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Balance ear for De Manuel and a remarkable task without a prize for Lorenzo in Las Ventas

Bellingham: ""We have dominated and we could have scored more goals”

(Update NA2124 with the medical report of the banderillero Raúl Mateos)

javier lopez

Madrid, Aug 15 (EFE) Lorenzo for a much more important task because of how temperate the Toledo man was.

Lorenzo arrived in Madrid aware of what was at stake. Without a proxy, his name has gradually disappeared from the fairs. He needed, therefore, another wake-up call to show that he still has a lot to say. And what better place than Madrid on August 15, a date of great tradition in the bullfighting calendar.

And possibly today was the time that he has seen himself fighting more slowly. To the first of him, a bull with a lot of class from Fuente Ymbro but caught with pins, which Lorenzo led in slow motion by the two pitons, very settled, tighter than other times and with depth.

But the task lacked that extra emotion, to really break, firstly due to the lack of transmission of the fuenteymbro and also, perhaps, due to certain misalignments before the beautiful ones helped by the end of the work. The placement of the steel did not help either. She took a well-deserved turn around the ring after the box did not attend the request for an ear that was made from the laying.

The fourth was a 630-kilo “mastodon” that had everything on its facade in a bad style, without any class and without ever being involved in the deceptions that Álvaro Lorenzo, who made a notable effort to try to steal them (the crutches) one by one in a firm work but with little echo on the lines.

Francisco de Manuel was practically unpublished with a third of the most unpleasant, a reluctant bull that before the embroque was already throwing the screw and with which it was impossible to show off no matter how hard the man from Madrid tried.

The sixth was not a propitious bull either due to how short it fell and the lack of class it manifested, but it was, at least, enough for De Manuel to put fiber to the matter and could justify his time in Madrid. What was no longer accepted was the ear that he ended up cutting off, an award without any kind of weight or foundation. But Madrid is as it is, and the bad thing is that this is already something sadly common.

Amor Rodríguez did not have a favorable opponent in the bull of his confirmation, a hat from Alcurrucén that was tame at the start and, despite the good background he hid, he could not develop it due to his lack of strength, continually losing his hands and tarnishing the good intentions of the man from Madrid, who To his credit, he showed his classic concept and the taste that he treasures above all natural, through which he drew exquisite loose crutches.

The fifth, which injured the banderillero Raúl Mateos, was a bull without race or class that went from here to there but without humiliating and letting go of his face. Rodríguez, who also showed his sense of mettle, persisted with him, but without being able to make anything clear artistically.


Five Fuente Ymbro bulls, very unequal in shapes and volumes, and also varied game. With class and little background, the second; very lackluster the third; gross and without delivery the room; without race or class the fifth; and neither contributed the sixth. The first was a hat from Alcurrucén, without any strength.

Álvaro Lorenzo, in cinnamon and gold: rear lunge and fall (return to the ring after request); lunge (ovation).

Amor Rodríguez, in scarlet and gold, and which confirmed an alternative: puncture, fallen lunge and piquantity (ovation after warning); puncture and slump (silence after warning).

Francisco de Manuel, Corinthian and gold: lunge slightly detached (silence); lunge (ear).

In the infirmary, the banderillero Raúl Mateos was intervened for “goring in the middle third of the left leg with two trajectories: one descending and inward for 20 cm that reaches the inner face of the ankle, and another lateral and descending for 20 cm that reaches the face posterior tibia, surrounding it and causing damage to both gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, bruising the posterior tibial artery and CPE nerve, with a serious prognosis”.

The square registered well less than a quarter of an entry in a hot afternoon. EFE


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