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Banco Agrario will be the operator responsible for the payments of the “Transit to Citizen Income” program

Banco Agrario was selected by Prosperidad Social to guarantee the delivery of cash transfer payments to households participating in the program. Courtesy: Social Prosperity.

The director of Social Prosperity, Cielo Rusinque, announced on Friday, April 14, that the Banco Agrario will be in charge of delivering the money transfers of the national program of “Transit to Citizen Income.

From then on, the bank will be in charge of covering and transfers in 1,108 municipalities and corregimientos of Colombia, including three indigenous councils.

“I am pleased to report that today we signed the agreement with Banco Agrario, to be the operator in charge of the transfer of the program. Another great advance in the bets for the reduction of poverty in the Government of Change”, specified the director of the national entity.

According to official data from Social Prosperity, The bank has 793 offices throughout the national territory and in 471 municipalities it is the only financial entity present. It has 115 extended offices or banking service modules, called “Closer Agrarian Bank”.

“With this model, it will guarantee the delivery of resources in rural and dispersed rural areas,” said Prosperidad Social.

The national entity highlighted that with this agreement the beneficiaries will have a network of 10,153 banking correspondents, which will allow access in 1,064 municipalities. Likewise, Banco Agrario has 816 ATMs installed in the branch network and 1,352 ATMs from allied networks.

As an addition, Prosperidad Social pointed out that apart from the delivery of the monetary transfers of the national program, the beneficiaries will be able to access a broad portfolio of products and services for small agricultural producers and rural and urban microfinance, how:

  • Credits for young people with an agricultural projection.
  • Small, medium and large producers.
  • People with income-generating activities.
  • Retired employees.
  • independent.
  • Natural persons of socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3.

As highlighted by Social Prosperity, “Transit to Citizen Income” is a national program, implemented in 2023, to guarantee a income of up to 500,000 pesos per month to more than 3.3 million families categorized in extreme poverty, moderate poverty and in a state of vulnerability.

“It is a historic initiative that serves as a starting point for overcoming poverty,” added Prosperidad Social.

From that, the national entity goes on to allocate in conditional monetary transfers 1.9 trillion pesos to about seven trillion pesos, and to benefit 1.9 million households to 3.3 million; favoring mothers who are heads of households with children or adolescents in their care.

It should be noted that the amounts of the transfers of the Citizen Income program will be assigned according to the classification of the household in the sisbén IV surveythe number of dependent minors, the priority of the municipality where the family nucleus is registered, the social characteristics of the population (households victims of displacement or belonging to an indigenous community) and compliance with co-responsibilities in health and education.

Likewise, the households that registered for the fourth phase of the “Families in Action” program will be attended, in the national calls carried out in 2021 and 2022, and the indigenous families of the third phase that pass the validation processes. that manages Social Prosperity for the beginning of the “Transit to Citizen Income”.

That transition program adds the bases for the implementation of a citizen income in Colombia, that the national Government proposed in the National Development Plan “Colombia World Power of Life”, that if approved Social Prosperity would be in charge of the initiative.

“Citizen Income was proposed as a non-assistance program. Households in extreme poverty, moderate poverty and vulnerability that participate will have a decent income, which will allow them to overcome hunger, and achieve economic autonomy and access to the fundamental rights of education and health”, concluded the national entity.

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