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Banco del Bienestar buys computers at a premium

Charlene Domínguez/ Reform Agency

Wednesday, February 22, 2023 | 17:33

Mexico City.- The purchase of computers made by Banco del Bienestar from the company Reinbon Distribución was fraught with deficiencies in contracting, in addition to the fact that there is a budget gap, said the Superior Audit Office of the Federation (ASF).

Banco del Bienestar required the acquisition of 7,190 personal computing equipment -3,595 CPUs and 3,595 monitors- to be distributed in the corporate offices, in 433 branches, also known as traditional, and in 94 envelopes, which are support offices for dispersion of resources from federal government social programs.

For this acquisition of personal computing equipment, the bank directly awarded a contract to the company Reinbon Distribución effective from September 1 to October 31, 2021, for an amount of more than 76 million pesos.

In its report on the results of the superior audit of the Public Account 2021, the ASF indicated that in the budget sufficiency document of August 19, 2021, an amount of 131 million pesos was established, which is higher than 76 million pesos. established in the contract.

“In this regard, no justification was provided for the difference of 54 million 985 thousand pesos identified. Additionally, evidence of the analysis carried out to determine that the required amount of equipment was necessary and sufficient to continue the Bank’s operation was not provided. of Well-being.

“It is concluded that there were deficiencies during the contracting process because the analysis was not carried out to determine the volume of equipment required; the amount of the approved budget sufficiency is greater than the amount of the contract and the document of said sufficiency does not have the handwritten signature of the requesting area,” the Audit Office maintained.

In the contract for the purchase of computers, other deficiencies were detected, such as the fact that the bank did not provide documentation of payments, supply orders, or the list of equipment received that covered their delivery and acceptance.

Nor were the accounting and budgetary policies provided, from the creation of the purchase requisition to its settlement with the payment to the supplier.

“There is no evidence that proves how the goods were received, nor the visual verification and through tools by the bank, in order to ensure that the equipment delivered complied with the requested technical characteristics,” he said.

The ASF also identified CPU equipment that did not meet the required RAM memory capacity, which was provided by Reinbon Distribución.

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