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Bank and Gymnastics, open the series of the Women’s Volleyball League

The Banco Provincia team that will face Gymnastics / BPLA Press

Today the playoffs of the Argentine Women’s Volleyball League will be played with the first legs of the quarterfinals of said competition. At one of the crosses they will be facing Banco Provincia and Gimnasia.

The game, which will start at 8:00 p.m., in the gym of the City Bell banking club; while the rematch will be played next Wednesday, at the “Víctor Nethol” Sports Center at the 4th street headquarters.

The remaining keys will be River Plate vs. CEF 5 from La Rioja and Villa Dora vs. San Lorenzo de Almagro. Regarding Estudiantes, tomorrow, starting at 7:00 p.m., they will receive Boca Juniors, in the gym of the UNO “Jorge Luis Hirschi” Stadium.

The retaliation between Estudiantes and Boca will be held next Thursday at the “Luis Conde” Stadium, La Bombonerita.

It should be noted that this phase of the quarterfinals will be played in two games. In case of equal, a “golden set” will be played to define the winner of the series.

To all this, from the semifinals the crosses will be played to the best of three games with local advantage for the best ranked team in the general table.


On the other hand, Universitario beat Lanus 3-0, within the framework of the second date of the First Division Men’s Metropolitan Volleyball Tournament.

The “U”, who played at home in the gym at the 46th street venue, won with the following sets: 27-25, 25-18 and 25-19.

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