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Bayern star with heart problems after Corona: Confused health update

FC Bayern is currently plagued by injuries.Image: IMAGO/ULMER press photo agency / imago images

FC Bayern is currently struggling with major problems in terms of personnel. The record champions are particularly weak in defence, after all, they currently have to do without four injured players. Above all, goalkeeper Manuel Neuer and central defender Lucas Hernández, who will be out at least until the end of June. It is still uncertain when the injured Sadio Mané and Noussair Mazraoui will return to the field.

Bayern star struggles with corona consequences

The latter initially had to struggle with the consequences of corona disease. The Moroccan contracted the virus during the World Cup in Qatar. That’s why Mazraoui missed the quarter-final game against Portugal.

His corona disease was apparently only half as bad at first, after all Mazraoui was back on the field against France in the semifinals. Back in Germany, however, a medical examination revealed that he was suffering from an inflammation of the pericardium. He still has to take a break. Now the Bayern star talks about his situation.

Noussair Mazraoui wants to get back on the field as soon as possible and still doesn’t want to rush things. Image: AP / Natacha Pisarenko

Cardiac inflammation: Mazraoui’s return is unclear

It is uncertain when he will be allowed back on the field. Because of his pericarditis, he is currently not allowed to train at all. After the record champions’ 1-1 draw against FC Köln, the Moroccan came wrapped up in the dressing room section of the Munich Arena. He visited his colleagues after the game.

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The fact that the 25-year-old was only able to watch the match from the outside frustrated him. He would have loved to have done his part on the pitch. But that is currently not possible. In conversation with the “Evening NewsHe revealed: “I’m fine, but I’m not allowed to do anything at the moment, no training.”

At the start of the World Cup against Croatia, the Bayern star suffered a minor injury without being out for a long time. Quite the opposite of the current situation. “It’s not an ordinary injury, so you have to be very careful,” he said after the Cologne game. So patience is required before he can pursue his passion with the Munich team again.

At the World Cup opener against Croatia, Mazraoui was slightly injured. Image: AP / Darko Vojinovic

He doesn’t know when exactly he can return. “It could be three weeks, four, five or six weeks,” he said of the uncertain amount of time.

Mazraoui is sorely missed: a new investigation is due soon

He does not believe that he returned to the field too early after a corona infection during the World Cup. All tests at the World Cup were okay. So the doctors gave the green light.

Bayern sports director Hasan Salihamidžić also told the “Abendzeitung” how to proceed in the matter of Mazraoui: “There’s another investigation next week, then we’ll take a look.” On February 14th it will probably not be anything yet: His colleagues will probably have to do without their right-back in the Champions League round of 16 at PSG.

Unlike Manuel Neuer, there is no replacement obligation for him. defensive colleague Benjamin Pavard prefers to play in central defence, but he almost always has to play as a right-back for Bayern Munich. However, his performances in the last few games have been average at best.

This Tuesday could hardly have ended worse for Hertha. The Berliners had to take a hard smack against VfL Wolfsburg. After a bitter 0: 5 (0: 3), Hertha are second to last, they have only won one game in the past six games.

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