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Bear escapes from its cage during flight to Dubai

Bear escapes from its cage during flight to Dubai

Nowadays, flight delays are common It does not matter where in the world you are, especially at certain times of the year, particularly during vacation periods.

The reasons why a flight can be delayed are diverse, from its cancellation due to weather conditions to force majeure problems in security matters. However, other unlikely things happen that can affect schedules.

That was what happened in an Iraqi Airways flight, the national airline of Iraq, based in Baghdad, and which recently became a trend due to a singular event.

A video began to circulate through social networks that shows a bear inside the cargo hold of an airplane, after it escaped from its cage. According to information from CNN, the flight was headed to Dubai and there was not just one, but 2 bears.

In the article in said media they also mention that the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, ordered the Ministry of Transportation to carry out an investigation into the incident.

Well, until now there is no certainty about the fate of the bears, it is only known that the one that escaped was sedated so that it could be transferred to another place; however, it is unknown where he was taken and his state of health.

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