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Because of iOS 17: Woman named “Siri” has to change her name

A Scottish woman has to change her name because of a new Apple feature.

Her name is – still – Siri Price. She’s been living dangerously as a fitness trainer since 2011, when Apple’s virtual assistant was first introduced. As is well known, you can activate this with the voice command “Hey Siri”.

Lots of beeping in the area

This has often led to confusion in everyday life, as she told The Sun explained: “I work in a gym where there are a lot of people, so everyone quickly learned not to say “hey” when greeting me or there would be a lot of beeping.”

But now that no longer works either. Because in iOS 17, the command “Siri…” is simply the acoustic activation signal for the assistant. There was only one solution for Siri Price.

New name, everything good?

She had to change her name. From now on her name is Siz. And all because of Apple. I’m sure that happens to many people too Alexas all over the world like that.

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