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Because of their faith: 360 million Christians threatened and persecuted / Open Doors publishes the 30th World Index of Persecution

Open Doors Germany registered association

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The level of violence against Christians has reached a new high, reports the aid organization for persecuted Christians Open Doors. In the reporting period October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022 of the new World Watch List 2023, at least 5,621 Christians were murdered for their faith. That is over 80% more than five years ago (3,066). Violence against them has increased significantly, particularly in Nigeria (rank 6) and other countries in sub-Saharan Africa. 4,726 kidnappings were reported from Nigeria, in the previous year at least 2,510 Christians were affected. In addition, increasing authoritarianism and ideological nationalism are exacerbating the persecution and discrimination that severely affects Christians in 76 countries.

30 years World Watch List – documentation of oppression and violence, but also hope

The Open Doors World Watch List (WVI) is in its 30th year this year. Since 1993 he has exposed the persecution and discrimination against Christians in the 50 countries where it is most dangerous for them to live and profess their faith. Christians are killed or imprisoned, harassed by authorities and systematically disadvantaged, beaten, kidnapped, sexually abused, forced into marriage or forced to flee their homes and countries.

“The 30th world persecution index in a row shows the strong increase in the persecution of Christians worldwide,” says Markus Rode, head of Open Doors Germany. “It is particularly important for the Christians affected that injustices committed against them are documented and that they do not remain unheard. At the same time, they receive comfort through prayer and material support because Christians around the world pray using the Index. Because they are heard and seen, they create persecuted Christians – in all suffering – hope from the worldwide reporting. Open Doors makes persecution visible and verifiable and gives persecuted Christians a voice.”

The ten most dangerous states persecuting Christians – North Korea back in first place

After the Taliban murdered numerous Christians for their faith and forced thousands to flee from August 2021, Afghanistan took first place at the WVI 2022 for the first time. The situation for Christians in the country remains extremely dangerous. However, most of the research for WVI 2023 did not reveal whether the Taliban murdered people because of their ethnicity or cooperation with Western armed forces and NGOs, or because they were Christians. Clear evidence of persecution because of faith was often not available. Therefore, the number of documented acts of violence remained low, and the number of points in the WVI was correspondingly lower. Afghanistan is currently in 9th place there. North Korea (back to #1) has reached an all-time low with 98 points; since the introduction of the new “law against reactionary ideas” more house churches have been discovered and Christians arrested. Somalia, Yemen, Eritrea, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Sudan follow in places 2 to 10. Since the coup in October 2021, the military government has been putting pressure on churches there again.

Authoritarianism in China and other countries wants total control of the churches

Autocratic regimes like China (#16) rely on total control of all church life, which they want to stifle with strict laws and ideological nationalism. A law from March 2022 only allows churches and NGOs that are licensed and therefore system-compliant to distribute religious content on the internet. This means that online worship services, which have been increasingly carried out since the pandemic, are no longer permitted, nor is the online offering of Christian teaching materials. Violators are punished with high prison sentences. China was again the country where most churches and religious institutions were destroyed or closed. Many Christians meet in small groups to avoid surveillance.

In India (#11), anti-conversion laws in 11 states meanwhile expose Christians to arbitrary arrests, up to 10 years imprisonment are possible. Even a national law is planned. In the current reporting period, more than 1,700 Christians have been detained without trial, often in the context of attacks on thousands of Christians by extremist Hindus. However, most of these were not punished.

The increasing authoritarianism of governments in some Latin American countries – combined with an increasingly hostile attitude towards churches and the Christian faith – propels Nicaragua (#50) onto the World Watch List for the first time. But the situation for Christians has also deteriorated significantly in Colombia (#22), Mexico (#38) and Cuba (#27). Church leaders are pressured and arrested, surveillance stepped up, registrations and permits denied, buildings confiscated. Tracking/world tracking index.

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Open Doors Germany registered association
PO Box 11 42
D-65761 Kelkheim
T +49 6195 6767-180

Original content from: Open Doors Deutschland eV, transmitted by news aktuell

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