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Because of Tiktok videos: teenagers "copy" mental disorders – experts see problems

  • There is always more Tiktok Videos around mental illness
  • Lots Copy youth the disturbances
  • attention and lack of education are the cause

The term mental health has also established itself in this country in recent years and many people initially sensitized to mental health. This is actually a positive development, but more and more videos are being published on TikTok in which young people record their own mental disorders. These, in turn, are consumed by many other young people, which can have a negative effect.

It’s all about this

Again daily indicator reported, videos or clips that deal with mental illness seem to negative effect on young consumers to have. This behavior has now been researched by University Hospital of Lausanne. According to experts, the confrontation leads to increased psychological abnormalities among users who watch such content.

As the time reported, the suffering is copied, which is difficult for psychologists to distinguish from an actual illness. The term mental health actually stands for the individual mental health. The state of well-being is described. After all the term is increasingly associated with negative connotations.

Instead of associating mental health with mental health, many young people understand it as mental illness. Different psychologists are increasingly reporting that patients say they suffer from mental health. One of the reasons for this is social media.

This is happening on TikTok

There are now many users on TikTok in particular who describe and document their mental health problems. These videos often go viral especially when it comes to ADHD issues. But autism and other types of mental disorders are also popular.

In the spring of 2022 Videos on these topics watched more than 50 billion times. Psychologists are currently being contacted more and more frequently by young people who have mental health problems that, according to the theory, result from the consumption of the videos be copied.

For example, at the University Hospital in Lausanne an increase in Tourette’s syndrome-like tics in young women between 14 and 17 years old. However, this disease manifests itself between the ages of three and eight years, and especially in boys. The girls do not fit into this age group and have never shown any signs of Tourette’s disease before.

The problem behind this trend

The British Medical Journal suspect the so-called “social contagion”resulting from social media consumption. Anyone who is repeatedly confronted with symptoms of mental illness suddenly discovers them in themselves.

Will these Leiden copied and self-posted on social media, then the reactions to it are usually positive: users receive attention and encouragement. These videos then serve as another multiplier.

The experts do not want to deny that, for example, the group of girls actually suffer from a mental disorder: An anxiety disorder is often behind imitation illnesses. However, this is difficult to find out even for experienced psychologists.


Such videos cannot be prevented from being shared on social media. However, through education and early enlightenment, the issues can be classified differently by young people. Then the trend around mental health can actually have a positive purpose: namely, when there are well-founded reports about diseases in a scientific context.

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