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Before the Handball World Cup: National player Kai Häfner classifies chances for the DHB team

Kai Häfner made his national team debut in April 2010 in a game against Denmark.Image: imago / Claus Bergmann


Qatar, Serbia, Algeria – these are the three preliminary round opponents of the German national handball team at the World Cup in Poland and Sweden. The DHB team will play their first game on Friday (6 p.m., ZDF).

Before the start, watson spoke to national player Kai Häfner (33). The backcourt player, who has been active in the club for MT Melsungen since 2019, has been a regular in the team of national coach Alfred Gislason for years.

In the interview he talks about the chances of the national team, the corona chaos in the previous year and the criticism of some of his colleagues from former professionals.

Watson: Mr. Häfner, the World Cup begins for Germany on Friday with the game against Qatar. Is the team ready to go?

Kai Häfner: Yes, I would sign that. The mood is good and the two appearances against Iceland last weekend were reasonable. A lot looked good against a really good Icelandic team. And as always in the last few days before the start of a tournament, it’s all about fine-tuning, because we’ve already seen a few anomalies.

For example?

I think the defense worked pretty well. The lack of consistency on offense was more problematic. If you lose the balls too easily in the forward movement, you concede goals that are far too cheap at this level. And the result doesn’t look so good anymore. I’m glad we still won the second game against Iceland 33:31 – because the 30:31 the day before was really annoying.

The second test ended for you with a knee injury. Is the opening game in danger?

The pain is annoying, but it should all be healed by Friday. I’m on the field against Qatar, I assume so.

Kai Häfner injured his knee in a collision with an opponent against Iceland.Image: dpa / Axel Heimken

Speaking of Qatar: There was a lot of discussion about the country in the sports world because of the 2022 World Cup. But that’s probably not an issue for handball players at the moment, is it?

That’s the way it is. This isn’t the first time we’ve played against Qatar and we’ve had some hot encounters against them. I’m curious to see what kind of team they’re going to field this year, but the discussions about the World Cup aren’t comparable to our World Cup. Qatar has just qualified for that.

“We’re not among the top favourites.”

Still: Germany is the clear favourite, isn’t it?

Of course, our aim must be to win this game. You repeat yourself in the interviews that you give every year before the tournament, but a good rhythm is important, so winning the first game is important. I hope that we will pick up momentum and then find a good flow.

What do you think your team is capable of?

Sorry, I’m repeating myself: you don’t know. What I can say is: We’re not among the top favorites for the title. These are the teams that have been in semi-finals or finals more regularly in recent years: the Danes, the Swedes, the French, the Spaniards. And, to say something new, I’ll throw Iceland into the mix. They are my secret favourite.

Kai Häfner (along with national coach Alfred Gislason) and the DHB team narrowly lost to Iceland on Saturday.Image: imago / Laci Perenyi

And Germany?

On a good day we don’t have to hide from any team in the world. In order to win against the absolute top teams, a lot has to come together.

As an experienced leader, how satisfied are you with the composition of the squad?

I like our squad. The overall chemistry is right and we have many exciting characters and a good mix. I have a good feeling.

“Everyone who doesn’t ride will have their private reasons for this decision. We have to respect that.”

Before the start of the tournament, there was some criticism from former professionals, who all have their opinions on the fact that several players have withdrawn from the World Cup. How do you view the discussion?

That’s right, everyone has their own opinion. You can have them too. But honestly, I don’t care.

Why not?

Because that doesn’t get me anywhere. Every individual who does not ride will have their private reasons for this decision. We have to respect that. And no discussion in the world makes it any better. It’s always an absolute honor for me to represent Germany at a tournament. If others can’t make their participation possible, so be it. I prefer to focus on the men who ride. Because I want to be successful with them.

At the EM 2022 it was over after the main round after major corona chaos in the team. Is Corona still an issue for you at the moment?

Not really. And I hope – toi, toi, toi – that it stays that way. Sure, you still think about it, I will never forget my tournament with Corona disease. We test ourselves and watch out, but we’ve always been reasonably well shielded in our team hotels anyway. At the same time, it’s sensationally nice to play in sold-out halls again.

Mr. Häfner, one last personal question: could it happen that this will be your last tournament for the German national team?

Shit, I’m getting really old (laughs). I don’t make any plans because everything can always happen so quickly in sport. And yes, I know I’ll be 34 this year. But right now I’m not thinking about my end in the national team. As long as I can help and am invited, I’m there.

Last Sunday, donations were again collected for a good cause at the “Schauinsland Reisen Cup” in Gummersbach. On Sunday, the Schwalbe Arena in Gummersbach became a football and celebrity stronghold again.

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