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Before the hell of water, only relatives appear

The water arrives in a tank, with a family member’s truck / the day

Given the scandal of the failures in the water network in the City, for weeks complaints and denunciations of dramatic situations related to the lack of service have multiplied. In particular, those that affect people in vulnerable situations, such as retirees in Los Hornos, who must be assisted by their own relatives with a homemade collection and pumping system.

According to a neighbor denounced, in the area of ​​70 and 149 they suffer from “the lack of water supply since last December 29.” Given the situation, “the company does not even deign to attend to the claims. Thousands of families without water for almost 20 days and no one came to solve the problem ”, he denounced.

Along these lines, the front member maintained that “water is an essential service for the elderly and children in these days of high temperatures. Not to mention that it is a paid service and the only ones who worry and give some relief are the relatives themselves who carry water from other places so that the elderly do not suffer from heat stroke and can clean themselves, ”he said.

In this sense, he illustrated the specific case in which a van arrives with a huge tank in the box, parks next to a house and after extending a hose over the roof, the driver starts a homemade maneuver to assist the system. of the house.

Occasionally, with an electric pump, the water from the mobile cistern passes to the tank of the house which, like the rest of the neighbourhood, does not receive water from the network.

“Not to mention that the cleaning conditions, in this outbreak of Covid-19, are far below what the Ministry of Health recommends. It is really a shame that people are abandoned like this,” said the neighbor about the case of the people who reside in that house and in the entire area.

mobilized neighbors

The discontent over the water problems has led residents from various parts of the City to street protests in recent weeks. Last month, front members from the northern zone mobilized to the ABSA headquarters in Plaza Italia, demanding answers. Now, in Los Hornos they plan to continue another claim on the street. As reported, on Monday at 5:00 p.m. there will be a concentration in the Parque Jorge Julio López, located at 66 and 153.

“For more than two months we have been without a drop of water and we continue to pay for a service that they do not give us,” said a neighbor who is part of the movement.

A building in hipódromo neighborhood

To the extensive map of difficulties with water in the City, we must add a new red point in Barrio Hipódromo.

“For 10 days there has been a shortage of running water for the 208 families that live in the four buildings on the block between streets 43 to 42 and 116 to the Hippodrome,” the complex’s consortium denounced.

According to testimonies from residents, “the tanks in the towers are emptied almost every day, because there are times when no water comes from the network, and on other occasions, very little. We are having a nightmare summer”, lamented one of the consortium members.

The other side that generates the most anger in the neighborhoods is the loss of water in the street, meters from the dry taps in the houses: “With this heat and the loss of 17 between 68 and 69 it runs up to 17 between 67 and 68 It is not possible more. No one has appeared for two years in which they have been claiming ”, denounced María Rosa.

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