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Before the organization Save The Children, the Government of Sinaloa agrees to establish as a public policy attention in favor of daughters and sons of agricultural laborers

  • The agreement was proposed by the Secretary General of the Government Enrique Inzunza Cázares.
  • María Josefina Menéndez Carbajal, leader of the international organization, described the agreement proposed by the Secretary General of the Government of Sinaloa as “a very important milestone”.

Culiacán, Sinaloa, April 13, 2023.- In pointing out the need to articulate a special program of attention to children, in the particular case of children of migrant day laborers in Sinaloa, the Secretary General of the Government Enrique Inzunza Cázarez, representing of Governor Rubén Rocha Moya, expressed today during a meeting with the organization Save The Children International that “in some way we are doing it with transversal attention through the action of various Secretariats, but I think we will have to give it coverage, shelter and institute it as a policy public within budget. On behalf of the State Government, I offer our attitude, of course, to honor our responsibility and also to have an attitude of collaboration, to take advantage of the technical support, the support of many years of experience and work that Save The Children has in many fields. , especially from Sinaloa”.

Remotely, the Executive Director of the global organization Save The Children, María Josefina Menéndez Carbajal, congratulated herself on the proposed agreement and stressed that “building what you mention: the public policy for day laborers, would be a very important milestone and a great recognition for the Government of the State. We value it very much and count on us to support technically or at the level of incidence of public policy in the Federal Government, to be able to generate this comprehensive care”.

For her part, Inzunza Cázarez proposed that, “given the common commitment on the issue of care for agricultural day laborers, we immediately start a communication and collaboration scheme where the State Government acts in compliance with its responsibilities and, at the same time, generates the accompaniment with the organization, making resources and actions efficient for both parties”.

As a way to carry out this proposal, Inzunza Cázarez proposed formalizing a link scheme for the coordination of actions, between the transversal group that attended the recent emergency in agricultural fields by the state government and Save The Children, with the objective of jointly draw up a specific program for the care and protection of the rights of the children of migrant laborers, to which own resources are allocated within the proposed budget for next year, a proposal that was deeply appreciated by the leader of the organization, who expressed her full support.

It will be SIPINNA, as the articulating body of policies in favor of children and adolescents, who will lead these efforts.

For her part, Leticia Velarde, state manager in Sinaloa of this group, presented the comprehensive care strategy for day laborer children carried out by the organization and agreed on the benefits of collaboration with the state government.

Finally, it was agreed to hold meetings periodically to strengthen joint work.

In this productive approach were present Eneyda Rocha Ruiz, President of the State DIF System, Graciela Domínguez Nava, Secretary of Public Education, María Inés Pérez Corral, Secretary of Well-being and Sustainable Development, Ramón Gallegos Araiza, Undersecretary of Agriculture, Cuitláhuac González Galindo, Secretary of Health, Nuria González Elizalde, Executive Secretary of SIPINNA and on behalf of Save The Children, Lidia González, Program Coordinator, Ángeles Camacho, Humanitarian Response Coordinator, Ángel Pérez, State Coordinator and Angela Velarde Tiznado, Coordinator in Sinaloa.

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