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Ben Affleck unpacks: That really annoys J.Lo about him

Talking is silver, but sometimes his J.Lo just prefers silence!

Ben Affleck (50) did THE one thing he thinks his lover would do in an interview on Friday on The Drew Barrymore Show Jennifer Lopez (53) would like to get rid of it entirely: He babbled on without a period or a comma.

Of course, fans of the Hollywood actor are particularly happy about what his loved one doesn’t seem to like so much: Ben chats about his love for J.Lo and their life together like there’s no tomorrow.

After their engagement fell through over 20 years ago, Jen and Ben finally said yes after a spectacular love comeback last year


In his flow of words, the actor also reveals: he believes that he is often simply too talkative for his wife.

“She would probably wish I could be briefer,” the actor explains when asked what his wife would like to change about him. He also admits, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I keep talking on and on and on. I’m talking in circles.”

While his sweetheart never told him, Ben suspects that’s one thing J.Lo would like to change about him. Ben knows his Jen best!

And although Ben has just realized that he sometimes babbles a little too much, he immediately goes on chatting about his wife. When asked how Jen stays in such good shape, he replies: “I’m going to tell you something that will upset you. Jennifer just eats what she wants. She eats pizza, cookies, ice cream…everything.”

J.Lo’s curves are world famous and still leave even her husband speechless

Foto: Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival

Of his wife’s super-toned physique, he states, “She works out, but I work out too…but I don’t magically appear like I’m 20 years old, you know what I mean? With perfect skin and all that stuff.”

He also raves about his Jennifer, whom he married last summer: “She’s the most beautiful woman in the world and she looks spectacular.”

And with such sweet words and compliments, J.Lo is sure to turn a blind eye to her little chatterbox Ben.

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