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Benedict XVI: the Church has eternity (or almost) for her

Joseph Ratzinger had not dared to attack the paedocriminality which plagues the clergy. He will remain the brilliant theologian of a Church which is falling behind the times.

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Journalist at the Forum department

Reading time: 3 mins

Benoît XVI will remain the pope of “renunciation”. In 2013, he surprised everyone by declaring that he was no longer able to exercise his ministry adequately. He had stepped down, however breaking the silence in 2020 to reaffirm the importance of priestly celibacy, the rule that only single men can be ordained priests.

During his pontificate, Benedict XVI did not find the desire, the courage and/or the support to flush out the perverts who soil the Church although he had identified this scourge. The brilliant theologian that was the Jesuit Joseph Ratzinger thus became for a part of the opinion the “pope accomplice” of the pedophiles.

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