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Benefits of olive oil for people suffering from obesity and diabetes

Benefits of olive oil for people suffering from obesity and diabetes

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Interestingly, the study did not find the same benefits after consuming olive oil, which is a mixture of refined olive oil and a small proportion of virgin olive oil. Also, the Oil rich in oleocanthal and oleacein also increased antioxidant defenses and reduced parameters associated with oxidative stress and inflammation in the blood.

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Oxidative stress and inflammation have previously been associated with obesity-related metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance and pancreatic beta cell damage, which may favor the development of diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

On the other hand, the coordinator of the study, Javier Bermúdez, affirmed that these results position EVOO rich in oleocanthal and oleacein as a healthier option than other types of olive oils for people with obesity.

The “April” study has opened up new research possibilities in the field of biophenols and their impact on human health. The researchers hope to carry out larger, larger-scale studies to look at the incidence of diabetes and metabolic diseases in people at high risk.

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It is recommended for fried foods from 3 to 6 tablespoons of olive oil.

Among these biophenols, oleocanthal and oleacein stand out, two special compounds found in specific varieties of olives, such as Picual and Cornicabra. Its quantity may vary depending on various factors, such as the type of soil and the rainfall regime during cultivation.

It is important to mention that olive oil, being a mixture of refined and virgin olive oil, contains very low levels of these biophenols due to the industrial refining process to which it is subjected.

Although studies in cell and animal models have demonstrated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of oleocanthal and oleacein, this study represents the first to examine the impact of these compounds in obese people at high risk of developing diabetes.

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