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Bengal tiger robbed in Sonora; they accuse policemen

Iris Velázquez / Reform Agency

Tuesday, March 28, 2023 | 22:35

Sonora.- Baluma, a four-year-old Bengal tiger was stolen in Hermosillo, Sonora, and its owner, who claims to have legal possession of the animal, pointed to state police as the thieves.

On her social networks, Fátima Mendoza, a friend of the owner, spread what happened and asked users to provide information that would help to find the whereabouts of who, she said, was sedated and his muzzle was sealed with adhesive tape.

“Friends robbed Baluma today at dawn, he is a tiger, it is not worth it for lovers of others to do this, his family is devastated since they have had him since he was a baby (they have all the permits as well as care ) if you know anything, call 911,” he posted.

Meanwhile, Jenny López, who presented herself as the legitimate owner of the specimen, told local media what had happened and accused elements of the Sonora Police of having taken the cat from a property located in the town of Nueva Ilusión.

She narrated that since last Monday she could not locate him, after going with her husband to feed the cat.

He also described that the cages were destroyed, the padlocks broken, the cyclone mesh damaged, and inside there was gray adhesive tape and many sleeping pills.

He indicated that witnesses informed him that he was taken by four men and a woman who were traveling on board a Sonora Police patrol, who were also in uniform.

She pointed out that she went to the police offices, and they limited themselves to saying that they were going to investigate. She considered that they would not keep it, so she demanded that they tell her who they gave it to.

“Let them return it!”, he begged for the tiger that, he insisted, he has had since he was a cub.

In this regard, the Secretary of Public Security of Sonora denied having ordered the removal of the animal.

“Following a complaint that has been filed through social networks, the Ministry of Public Security communicates that it did not participate in any capacity in the extraction of the Bengal tiger ‘Baluma’. It does not have it or has had it under the protection of the State Police or any other instance belonging to the Ministry of Public Security,” he asserted.

“The Secretary of Public Security supported the family to file the corresponding complaint with the State Attorney General’s Office, with whom we will collaborate at all times to clarify the facts,” he added.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) assured that it officially initiated an investigation into the robbery.

“The investigation began with the supervision of the Veterinary Expert and Expert Services personnel at the address where the events were allegedly recorded,” it was officially explained.

“The family, owner of “Baluma”, almost 5 years old, showed documentation, indicating that it was issued by @SEMARNAT_mx and @PROFEPA_mx and stated that it is dedicated to the commercialization of seminal fluid for the reproduction of the species”

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