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Benidorm Fest 2023: what are the dates and times to meet the representative of Spain in Eurovision 2023

Benidorm Festival 2023 It already has its programming ready for its two semifinals and its grand finale in which the representative of Spain will be chosen in Eurovision 2023. There are 18 candidates who will seek to reach the last date, after several months of waiting and expectations about the contestant who is looking for his direct pass to the contest that will take place from Tuesday 9 to Saturday May 13 and whose slogan is “United for music ”.

Before that, the participants must take previous steps and, for this, they will have at their disposal a stage in it Palau d’Esports L’Illa with a main base of 360 square meters, a small circular space for shows and a walkway.

In addition, it has been reported that the semifinalists will have 6 high-resolution LED screens and several fixed screens to surprise the jury and the public. The Spanish Television reported that they are “18 unique scenery” that were worked on jointly between the organizers and the artists in competition.

In it Benidorm Festival 2023, the jury has 50% of the final qualification of the contestants. While the rest of the score will be divided equally between the 350 respondents of the demoscopic vote and the public. Now, find out the dates and times of the semifinals and the final of the competition at Spain.

The setting of the Benidorm Fest 2023 (Photo: RTVE)


Both semifinals and the final of the Benidorm Fest 2023to meet the representative of Spain in Eurovision 2023will be divided into three dates, according to the official programming of the artistic competition that has 18 contestants for this stage.

This way, the first semifinal will be held on Tuesday, January 31 and will have as figures Agoney, Alice WonderSofía Martín, Aritz, Megara, Meler, Sharonne, Fusa Nocta and Twin Melody.

While the second semifinal has the official date of Thursday, February 2 and includes presentations by Blanca Paloma, AlfredFamous, Jose Otero, E’FEMMEKarmento, Vicco, Siderland and Rakky Ripper.

The official date of the final of Benidorm Fest 2023 is the one on Saturday, February 4, when the artist who will defend Spain in Eurovision Song Contest 2023.

The participants and their songs for the semifinals and the final (Photo: RTVE)


The hours of semifinals and the final of Benidorm Fest 2023 It will be at 10:50 p.m. and it can be seen through the signal of the television channel the 1as well as online and live on the platform RTVE Play.

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