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Berlin police chief: “See posters with the slogan ‘New Year’s Eve 2.0′”

For the first time in three years, the demonstrations on May 1st, 2023 will take place without any corona measures. Around 30 different events have been registered for the greater Berlin area. The “Last Generation” also repeatedly announced that they would continue their campaigns in the capital on the holiday.

According to their own statements, the Berlin police will therefore be on the road with a total of 6,300 emergency services and will also be supported by hundreds of other federal states and the federal police. Berlin’s chief of police, Barbara Slowik, confirmed this number in an interview with the “Daily Mirror”. And he goes on to explain: “Our goal is to either prevent or end criminal offenses very quickly.”

May demos before escalation? Police chief appeased

The 24 units of the Berlin police are also supported by around 2,500 emergency services from Brandenburg, Bavaria and other countries, as the “Berliner Zeitung” reports. A massive contingent – and significantly more than in previous years, when Corona was still restricting public gatherings. Is there a fear that the protests could escalate on the first of May this year after the long pandemic break?

“May 1st has a high symbolic value,” explains Slowik in the run-up to the events. Due to the restless mood in society, between 10,000 and 15,000 participants are expected for the 6 p.m. demo, which will also pass the new police station at Kottbusser Tor. In addition, pyrotechnics and individual bottle throws are to be expected, according to Slowik in the “Tagesspiegel”. An escalation of the protests was, however, well prevented by the police presence. Also through more infrastructure at the focal points in the city.

The new guard at the “Kotti”, as the Berliners call the Kottbusser Tor, only opened in February of this year. Previously, there had been repeated protests against the construction, especially from the left-wing scene. According to the police themselves, they want to be present where there is street crime. This is also the case at Kottbusser Tor, where drug trafficking is flourishing – 3,100 offenses in connection with prohibited substances have been counted there alone since 2018. Nevertheless, the new police station has already become something of a hate object among left-wing radicals.

New police station at Kottbusser Tor to curb street crime

Barbara Slowik also comments on this: “The station is not only basic, like most police stations, it is also very well secured.” are prepared.” Accordingly, the crime rate at the Kottbusser Tor has also declined in the first few weeks since it opened compared to the same period last year. However, the numbers are still not very reliable.

The demonstrations on May 1st could therefore represent a first endurance test for the “Kotti” focal point. The left-wing scene is trying to agitate children and young people from the neighborhood milieu in order to be able to get more people onto the streets, says Slowik. “We see posters with the slogan ‘New Year’s Eve 2.0’. An attempt is being made to take this apolitical clientele, which we experienced on New Year’s Eve, with them in order to increase possible violent actions.” However, the left-wing scene is said to be less organized and more fragmented than in previous years. The communication is going well, it is likely that the demos would run smoothly.

The “Last Generation” also wants to continue their protests on May 1st

However, the members of the “last generation” represent an additional area of ​​responsibility for the Berlin police this year. Cooperation between the two camps is unlikely, various media report unanimously, since the “last generation” are largely peaceful actors act. But there were also talks with the activist group in the run-up to the May Day demos, according to the police chief in the “Tagesspiegel”. As part of so-called danger speeches, individual group members were warned against committing crimes.

According to Slowik, the laws of the German state apply without exception. And these would be enforced: “First through communication, that is the DNA of the Berlin police. However, communication is reduced to the level required by law if someone is determined to commit crimes. Then we intervene and prevent or stop the crimes very consistently.” At least good news for drivers who want to visit their families on May 1st in Greater Berlin or celebrate Labor Day in a different way.

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