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Berlin TV station does not move in after all: Investor in the Avus grandstand is looking for a new tenant

Our newsletter brings you, dear readers, news from the twelve districts of Berlin and has meanwhile been subscribed to more than 275,000 times throughout Berlin. With more than 37,000 subscriptions, Charlottenburg Wilmersdorf is the most read of our district newsletters and is always published on Fridays. You can order our newsletter from Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and all other Berlin districts here free of charge:

Cay Dobberke reports from CHARLOTTENBURG-WILMERSDORF on the following topics, among others:

  • The historic Avus grandstand in Westend stood empty for 23 years after the end of the Avus races, until entrepreneur Hamid Djadda bought it and renovated it. In the fall of 2021, he rented the monument between Messedamm and the Autobahn to the television station “Hauptstadt TV”. However, his planned move into the building failed, even though parts of the historic building had already been furnished accordingly – and Djadda is now looking for a new user. More on this in the newsletter, other topics this time include:
  • Black-green alliance in the BVV and a new building council
  • Hobby historian organizes neighborhood tours and boat tours
  • Where the fountains are bubbling up – and where they aren’t
  • Thai market in Prussia Park collects signatures against relocation
  • Ticket raffle for rock concert
  • Outdoor pools start the season
  • “Rheingauer Weinbrunnen” will soon be bubbling up again

Incidentally, in our newsletter from Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and of course in all other district newsletters from the Tagesspiegel, you can point out and congratulate the birthdays of friends, life partners, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, business partners, etc. Write to our authors, whose e-mail addresses you in the newsletters find.

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