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“Best and Worst Dressed” not “Best and Worst Dressed”

The wedding of Brunella Horna and Richard Acuña, this last weekend, made the guests arrive in their best clothes for the occasion.

LOOK: Suddenly or suddenly, which expression is correct?

The evaluation of the connoisseurs in fashion was immediate. ‘The best and worst dressed’ headline, but there is a mistake here.

remember that, in these cases, better and worse are the comparative forms of good and bad, so they function as adverbs and, as such, do not vary in number.

This criterion is also applied when better and worse precede other participles (verbs ending in -ado or -ido, -loved, feared-): ‘The current generations are the best prepared’, instead of ‘… the best prepared’.

Photo: Stock.

The sentence for this note should be written like this: ‘The best and worst dressed’, not ‘The best and worst dressed’, because as explained, the words best and worst remain invariable when they appear before a participle, since there are comparative adverbs of good and bad: well/better dressed and poorly/worse dressed.

comparative forms of better and worse

“A different question is that better and worse are the comparative forms of good and bad, in which case they are considered adjectives and, therefore, agree in number with the noun they accompany and can be written in the plural: good/better garments, dresses bad/worse”, indicates the


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