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Best telephone operator 2023? Here’s who wins between Vodafone, Tim and the other operators for network speed and quality

Here is the best telephone operator according to a recent

Which mobile network to choose to navigate without problems? Over 20,000 opinions and more than 90,000 thousand tests have decreed the best service of the last period. Here’s what it is.

A life without smartphones? In the modern age it is practically impossible! In a hyper-connected society, areas and environments without an internet line are a real inconvenience. But which operator to choose to connect our electronic devices? Which is the fastest line? And which telephone operator has the best coverage?

The experts of Altroconsumo drew up the 2023 ranking with the hi-tech Observatory which carried out a monitoring by analyzing more than 92,000 tests in 2022 thanks to the users who participated through a special app.

So which is the best telephone provider 2023 according to tests?

After having dealt with the rankings of some products to buy at the supermarket, such as the best honey, or the best snacks, today we will talk about an i-tech ranking. The results of the tests carried out reward Vodafone again this year as the operator with the best 4G mobile network in Italy. The telephone company wins with 34,400 points.

Vodafone takes first place in

The opinion of the users made it possible to evaluate and analyze a series of parameters. For example, the download and upload speed (that is, the time required not only to download but also to send a file of a fixed size). The quality of navigation on websites was also analysed (verifying the correct opening of the pages and the speed of transition on the requested page). Also checked the quality of watching videos, evaluating the time needed to start playing a video and any interruptions or errors. Therefore, with 51.2 Mbps for downloads and 11.9 Mbps for uploads, Vodafone is the best telephone operator according to these tests.

Iliad takes second place with 24,279 points, while TIM stabilizes in third place in the standings with 23,715 points. In fourth position WindTre with 23,037 points. In any case, it must be emphasized that all the operators in circulation have improved the quality of the 4G network, especially Vodafone and Tim.

Differences between 4G and 5G?

The tests were carried out taking into consideration navigation in 4G, however, it must also be emphasized that an improvement was recorded in the performance of 5G mobile networks.

5G is improving for all telephone

In fact, we go from 40 Mbps of 4G, depending on the operator, to browsing speeds that even reach 80 (for WindTre) and 90 Mbps (for Iliad), up to around 150 Mbps for Vodafone and Tim. Be careful, though, a latency was also noted (i.e. the time between the user action and the network response), qualitatively lower decreases for 5G compared to 4G.

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