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Beware in these places spend the money and make our vacation better. Everyone must know!

Spend the money and go on vacation where it’s more

End of the year: time for balance sheets but also for projects and calendars. What expenses will you incur in the next year? How much money to set aside to organize your dream vacation? What are the taxes to pay and how much to save? Buying furniture or appliances? Let’s see how we could save money by having our dream vacation!

Many will have forgotten, others perhaps have not experienced it because they were born later than the monetary union of the euro area, but before going and spending in Paris, Vienna and other European countries, our lira had to be converted into the local currency. Many at that time were familiar with the concept of exchange. Basically how many lire did it take to have a franc or an Austrian schilling?

Seems like a lifetime ago, but that was the way it was. Today this experience remains for all those traveling outside the euro area.

Beware in these places spend the money and make our vacation better. Why? It all depends on whether or not we will have the exchange rate in favour, and therefore whether or not the euro will tend to strengthen against the local currency.

Our dream trip could cost us

The euro could strengthen against the US dollar, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar and sterling

Euro US Dollar

The dollar is the most traded currency in the world. Here are which countries is the main currency as reported by wikipedia: United States and all dependencies, BES Islands, Ecuador, El Salvador, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, East Timor, Turks, Caicos British Virgin Islands, British Ocean Territory Indian and Zimbabwean.

Even if for the short term the euro could retrace against the dollar, the long movement would still appear in favor of the European currency.

The exchange rate, which is currently in the 1.06 area, would seem to be headed towards the 1.19 area in the next 18/24 months. Only a return below 1.02 could undermine this trend and this forecast.

Euro Australian dollar

As reported by wikipedia, the Australian dollar is the official currency of Australia, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Heard and McDonald Islands, Norfol Island but also Kiribati, Tuvalu and Nauru.

The exchange rate which is currently in the 1.5798 area would seem to be headed towards the 1.6437/1.69 area in the next 18/24 months. Only a return below 1.5275 could undermine this trend and this forecast.

The inhabitants of the euro area will have greater convenience in traveling to some

Packing your suitcase? For what destinations?

Euro Canadian dollar

The Canadian dollar is the currency of Canada. The exchange rate which at the moment is in the 1.4439 area would seem to be headed towards the 1.55/1.59 area in the next 18/24 months. Only a return below 1.3958 could undermine this trend and this forecast.

Euro Pound

The pound is the currency of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The exchange rate which is currently in the 0.8815 area would seem to be headed towards the 0.9275/0.95 area and then 0.99 in the next 18/24 months. Only a return below 0.8275 could undermine this trend and this forecast.

So here’s why: be careful in these places spending money and taking our dream vacation could make us spend less! We just have to start organizing ourselves, and see which of these places to go to enjoy our rest next year. But let’s remember that even in Italy tourism is really pleasant!

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