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Beware of the rockets

My friend, the photographer Gary, came to the restaurant for a steak a lo pobre with fried egg and plantain, grained rice and, to drink, a fresh emollient. “María, at the end of the year parties in Peru it is common to celebrate with fireworks. The problem is that many of them are a real danger to life and health.


Every year in our country we have people injured for life and even dead because of these explosives. In informal workshops where they make the dreaded ‘mamarratas’, ‘skulls’, ‘chapanas’, ‘pokeballs’ and others, products such as gunpowder are used which, if not handled with strict security protocols, can cause misfortunes such as the one that occurred a few days ago in Ventanilla, where a clandestine pyrotechnics workshop exploded, causing two deaths, several injuries and dozens of houses affected.

So much pain for not respecting the laws. Those rockets go into the hands of children who then lose their hand, fingers and suffer terrible burns on their bodies, are blinded and even die. As I said, every year they happen these tragedies for the same cause, but we are incapable of learning. What happens to us that it is so difficult for us to value our lives and that of others?


The worst tragedy for pyrotechnics occurred at Mesa Redonda on Saturday, December 29, 2001. The final balance was 277 deadalthough in 2021 it was determined that the deceased were more than 400 people, since there were hundreds of missing persons and numerous bodies could not be identified.

It was a true hell that began somewhere in the emporium, in whose streets crowded with shoppers, stevedores and street vendors all kinds of rockets were offered, like the very dangerous ‘mamarratas’.

One of the merchants was demonstrating his products to a client and at that moment it all started. It was literally throwing a flare at a huge time bomb, as the place was filled with thousands of pyrotechnics, on public roads and in stores.

The fire was so intense that the cars ended up reduced to scorched iron and numerous people were evaporated by the extremely high temperatures. A hell that consumed everything in its path.

It was all due to the negligence of the merchants, authorities and the public itself. Safety regulations were not complied with, despite constant calls from firefighters warning of imminent danger. More than two decades have passed and many still have not learned their lesson.

if they are going to buy pyrotechnics, it must be in a permitted place and only those that emit lights. Explosives such as ‘chapanas’, ‘magic balls’ and others should not be purchased. Likewise, no fireworks can be used by minors, only by responsible adults. Gary is right. I’m leaving, take care.


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