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Biden administration wins in court lawsuit over its immigration strategy at the border… for now (podcast)

Biden administration wins in court lawsuit over its immigration strategy at the border... for now (podcast)

The President’s Government Joe Biden achieved a provisional victory in the Court of Appeals to the Ninth District, where he was allowed to continue his asylum strategy at the border.

However, this triumph has a new challenge, since in the coming weeks both the State Department and the organizations that defend immigrants will have to present their arguments for the judges to make a final decision.

Several organizations, including the American Civil Rights Union (ACLU), sued the Biden Administration over its plan that requires immigrants to apply for asylum in a third country where they have crossed into the United States.

The first legal battle was won by the plaintiffs in the Northern District Court of California, where Judge Jon Tigar ordered the suspension of the immigration strategy, but on appeal the Biden Administration achieved limited support for the presentation of arguments and a final decision.

Óscar Sarabia, attorney for the ACLU Immigrant Rights Program, explains in the podcast “El Diario Sin Límites” details about the lawsuit and why a victory would be significant for immigrants.

“Biden would finish what (Donald) Trump started,” Sarabia said, if the Court of Appeals decides against the plaintiffs, noting that the former Republican president implemented a similar policy, but had to suspend it after a court decision.

>> What are the similarities between Trump’s and Biden’s policies on asylum claims?
>> What is the main restriction immigrants face?
>> Is a victory possible for the organizations suing the Biden Administration?

Hear the podcasts on Spotify or click the following link.

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· What have been the consequences of the buoys in the Rio Grande that Texas installed against immigrants
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