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Biden reiterates promise not to send US soldiers to war in Ukraine

Biden reiterates promise not to send US soldiers to war in Ukraine

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden, reiterated on Saturday its refusal to send soldiers from your country to Ukraine, while highlighting Washington’s global leadership. His statements are made in the context of the presidential election campaign in which he is seeking re-election.

“There are no American soldiers in guerra in Ukraine. “I am determined to keep it that way, but we stand firm with Ukraine and we will stand with them,” the Democrat said, addressing the graduating class of the West Point military academy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he described as “a brutal tyrant,” was “certain that NATO would fracture” after invading its Eastern European neighbor in February 2022, Biden said. “Instead, the largest defense alliance in the history of the world is stronger than ever,” in his opinion.

The US Congress approved a $61 billion military aid deal for kyiv in April, after months of wrangling as Ukrainian forces suffered battlefield setbacks due to shortages of ammunition and funds.

Biden has since ordered five tranches of military aid to Ukraine, as Russia steps up its offensive in the Kharkiv region.

Biden also praised the United States’ role in the Middle East and noted that Washington is carrying out “urgent diplomacy” to secure a ceasefire and return home hostages held by the Palestinian group Hamas.

“Thanks to the American military, we are doing what only the United States can do as an indispensable nation, the world’s only superpower,” he said.

Biden, campaigning for reelection in November, also urged cadets to uphold their oath “not to a political party, not to a president, but to the Constitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” “. He called them “guardians of American democracy.”

“Freedom requires constant vigilance,” Biden added that during his mandate there have been two wars to which the United States has allocated multimillion-dollar funds, the most costly being Ukraine.

Source: With information from AFP

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