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Biden says failure to act on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine would send a message to China about Taiwan

Biden says failure to act on Russia's invasion of Ukraine would send a message to China about Taiwan

The President of the United States, Joe Biden. – Europa Press/Contacto/Nathan Howard – Pool via CNP

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The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has affirmed that inaction in the face of the Russian invasion of Ukraine is not an option and has wondered what message would have been sent, for example, to China on Taiwan, if they had stayed without doing anything.

“Imagine if we hadn’t done anything… this is a situation that could happen anywhere. If we stood still, what message would that send to China on Taiwan? What signal would that send around the world?” Biden asked himself at a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol.

“Russia has already lost. It has not been able to meet the original objective it declared. It has not been possible,” Biden stressed from the Camp David military base in Maryland, where he stressed that Japan’s role in supporting Ukraine is evidence that “the consequences of the war extend far beyond Europe”.

In this sense, the US president has remarked that what is happening during these more than a year and a half in Ukraine is not only a European problem”, since there had not been an invasion of these characteristics “since the Second World War”, according to picks up CNN.

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