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Biden says India and Japan are xenophobic and the White House admits dozens of mistakes

Biden says India and Japan are xenophobic and the White House admits dozens of mistakes

So far in 2024, Biden has made more than 140 mistakes in his speeches and public presentations, not a few of alarming severity, the White House admitted in a report reviewed by The Daily Caller.

White House communications staff have had to correct President Joe Biden’s public comments at least 148 times since early 2024 alone, according to a review of official transcripts.

Indications of severity

In several cases, official statements had to be changed to convey the exact opposite of what Biden actually said.

In other cases, Biden transmitted false information or data that the White House transcription team corrected.

“We vaccinated the vast majority of the United States. We got through that pandemic with less than 200 million, and less than 2 million people were vaccinated when I took office. Hoy, 720 (270 official figure that is also questioned) millions of Americans have received the COVID vaccine,” reads the White House transcript of a Jan. 30 campaign reception.

The total population of the United States is approximately 333 million, according to the Federal Census Bureau.

“Since I took office, we have created 14 million new jobs: 440 (thousand) new jobs in North Carolina alone, since I took office. (Applause.) And that’s because of this guy here. Nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs nationwide,” another transcript reads.

And thus an extensive list of serious inaccuracies, which add to the most recent famous confusions about the southern border between the United States and Mexico, which he called the Gaza Strip, naming the current president of France after the deceased decades ago Francois Mitterrand, instead of Emmanuel Macron. Confusing the head of state of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador as the Egyptian leader Abdelfatah El-Sisi, among many other nonsense.

Now, Biden attacked without any basis and without common sense against two great allies of the United States, India and Japan, and called them xenophobic, which could cause a tense diplomatic situation between the three countries if they do not understand the precarious state of mental health they suffer. the American president and which the White House denies, as expected.

Alarm statements

“Why is China stagnating so economically? Why is Japan having problems? Why Russia? Why India? Because they are xenophobic. They don’t want migrants. Migrants are what make us strong,” Biden said, according to a transcript of his words made public this Thursday.

The 81-year-old Democrat, candidate for re-election in the November presidential election against Republican Donald Trump, made this statement during a rally aimed at Asian Americans.

These rallies are not recorded, but a handful of journalists attend them and make a written report.

“One of the reasons our economy is growing is thanks to you and many others. Why? Because we welcome migrants,” Biden insisted.

China and Russia are rivals of the United States, but his comments about Japan and India are surprising because since Biden took office he has made efforts to strengthen ties with Washington’s allies in Asia, and in particular with these two countries.

The president received the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and the then Japanese head of government, Fumio Kishida, at state dinners.

After the serious mistakes that Biden makes in public, members of his cabinet come out moments later to justify their failed and senseless arguments, as in this case the National Security Advisor had to do.

“The point of view that the President defended, and I think that people around the world are aware of it, is that the United States is a country of migrants, it is in our DNA,” the spokesperson for the Security Council explained to reporters this Thursday. Homeland Security, John Kirby.

“Our allies know very well how much the president respects them, how much importance he places on their friendship, on their contributions,” he added.

Human dignity

As the November presidential election approaches, voters are sure to learn of new blunders from Biden. And the time will probably come when White House advisors will be left without the means to “cover” Joe Biden’s creepy mental gaps, which have apparently become more pronounced in recent months.

Biden’s first bid for the US presidency was in 1987, ten years after he met Jill Biden and married her.

Biden has suffered very sad and tragic family losses like that of his first wife and his little baby, Naomi, barely 13 months old in a terrible traffic accident. A truck loaded with boxes of corn hit the car in which the woman and three children were traveling.

Beau, age 3, and Hunter, age 2, were seriously injured but survived.

“Promise me you’ll be okay, Dad,” Beau Biden told his father after being diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer in 2013. He died in June 2015, a tragedy that forced Joe Biden to give up running for president in 2016 against then-candidate Donald Trump.

Definitely, the tragic life of Joe Biden It has taken its toll on him and has marked his days. It is now almost undeniable what more than 330 million Americans and the rest of the world observe regarding the mental capacity of the President, regardless of ideologies, beliefs, political leanings or parties. It is a matter of human dignity and sensitivity.

(email protected)

Source: The Daily Caller, The Epoch Times, AFP, The Western Journal, Times.

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