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Biden will supply Ukraine with controversial Pentagon bombs

Biden will supply Ukraine with controversial Pentagon bombs

WASHINGTON – The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has approved the supply to Ukraine of the controversial cluster bombs existing in the Pentagon arsenals and is preparing to make an official announcement this Friday in this regard, the US press reported.

The decision, which circumvents the existing legal ban on the production, use and supply of these types of weapons, comes after organizations such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) have asked Washington not to supply them.

The Washington Post newspaper noted that the move comes as the Ukrainians are experiencing a decline in their stockpiles of Western-supplied conventional artillery ammunition and growing concerns about the slowness of the Ukrainian counter-offensive against Russian troops in the southeast. from the country.

According to HRW, both the Ukrainian and Russian forces have been using cluster bombs, a type of munition that is banned by most countries.

Adviser to the Ukrainian presidential office Mikhailo Podoliak on Thursday defended the supply of cluster bombs by the United States, saying that “‘human rights activists’ are launching an aggressive lobbying campaign … not to expel Russia from the United Nations , but to torpedo the supply of arms to Ukraine”.

For his part, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, affirmed this Friday that it is up to each member state of the Alliance, individually, to decide whether to deliver cluster bombs to Ukraine.

“It is up to the individual allies to make decisions about the delivery of arms and military supplies to Ukraine and it will be up to the governments to decide, not NATO as an Alliance,” said the Norwegian politician during a press conference prior to the summit of allied leaders who is held in Vilnius next week.

Cluster bombs explode in the air over a target, releasing dozens of smaller explosives over a wide area, many of which fail to explode, creating a long-term security problem for civilians.

The images are shocking; there were no casualties. To see more from Telemundo, visit

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