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Biden’s Immigration Proposal is Buried in the Senate

Biden's Immigration Proposal is Buried in the Senate

The House of Representatives of USA rejected a aid of 17.6 billion dollars for Israel, in a vote with which Republicans tried to separate it from the package that includes funds for Ukraine and border security.

A total of 167 Democrats voted against after Biden threatened to veto the proposal. He also had the opposition from 13 angry Republicans due to the lack of budget compensations.

The disapproval of Biden continues in record numbers in the latest surveys. More than 76% affirm that the president has done a terrible job in the economy along with very negative indices in national and foreign policy, which have accompanied him since 2022.

Washington’s bet on Ukraine is closer to failure than of possible success, although the possibilities from the beginning were far from a triumph over Russia, despite what the Pentagon and the White House said.

With control of the House of Representatives, Republicans rejected the Democrats’ and Biden’s request for $110 billion, including more than $60 billion for Ukraine.

The closure of the southern border

Conservatives demand an effective closure and control of the chaos on the country’s southern border created by Biden himself and the far left for three consecutive years. However, Biden’s response has been a bill that did not even pass the Senate and was then taken to the House of Representatives, where Republican leader Mike Johnson left it for dead before it arrived.

Republican lawmakers say President Joe Biden has all the authority he needs to stop the arrival of migrants across the country’s southern border, just as it did when it irresponsibly opened it.

Upon learning some of the main points of the proposal, Jhonson said that it was worse than they expected, so he confirmed his disapproval.

The hypocritical political proposal of the Democrats In this election year, after three years of enormous chaos, he says that the authorities will be able to restrict border crossings if the daily average of migrants reaches 4,000 in a week, but they will be obliged to prohibit them if they exceed an average of 5,000 a day – in a period of seven consecutive – or 8,500 in a single day, reads the text of the bipartisan agreement.

That is, the border will remain open and will continue to directly and indirectly cost American taxpayers another $200 billion each year, not Biden or the Democrats.

The failed agreement marks the desperation of Joe Biden and the Democrats to score some important benefit from the voters and the results of the voting intention polls that give the 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, an advantage over Biden in the scheduled elections. for November.

The president on Tuesday urged Congress to stand up to Donald Trump amid his frustration that the plan on border security measures and aid to Ukraine quickly collapsed in the Senate.

Biden’s immigration proposal dies in the Senate

Just minutes after the president’s remarks at the White House, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell emerged from a lunch with his fellow believers on Capitol Hill and acknowledged that the agreement was dead.

“It seems to me and most of our members that we have no real chance of passing legislation,” McConnell told reporters.

“Only a radical democrat would vote for this horrible border bill that only gives a closure authority after 5,000 daily interceptions, when we have every right to CLOSE THE BORDER NOW, which must be done,” he said on his Truth Social network.

At the end of last year, Biden asked Congress to approve another great package (the fifth) of tens of billions of dollars for Ukraine, with the blackmail of including Israel and alleged “border security” with Mexico, a disaster created by the left for three years by ignoring all the claims of the Republicans and millions of Americans.

Republicans are fed up with the inaction and irresponsibility of the far-left-aligned Biden administration, which has further opened up the growing influence of Trump and his Republican leadership.

Now Biden could only watch as the cornerstone of his foreign policy—funding the war in Ukraine—unraveled in Congress.

Who opened the border first?

Border states have seen obligated to almost triple their expenses due to the chaotic immigration situationfomented since Joe Biden’s first day in the White House.

Republicans conditioned their support for Ukraine real solution from the serious national security crisis on the southern border.

A group of Republican and Democratic senators negotiated a pact that supposedly provides for new emergency authority to close the border between the United States and Mexico when “it is collapsed,” according to Biden.

But the question is: And who opened the border first? Answer: Joe Biden from his first day of mandate and without having any Republican.

As a form of political blackmail, the left included the immigration issue with aid to Ukraine and Israel

Now Biden and Senate Democrats find themselves stranded without a clear way to advance aid to Ukraine through Congress. They have run into a wall of opposition from conservatives—led by Trump—who reject the “make-up border proposal” as more than insufficient and describe funding for Ukraine as an endless waste.

The proposition about the border security crisis is an insult to intelligence. It neither restricts nor controls the border. It hardly represents a simple band-aid chaos that the left and the extreme left have promoted for three years in Washington and without hearing any complaints from conservatives. Now, in the year of the presidential elections, they want to look for solutions. Pure political hypocrisy that the Republicans are not willing to tolerate with control of the Lower House, because when they were a minority the new Democrats governed unilaterally and approved legislation without a Republican vote; protected by a congressional exception due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Biden directly blamed Trump – his almost certain Republican opponent in the presidential election – for another of his great failures, this time on the immigration bill.

And Biden has no other political option but to blame Trump.

For their part, the Republicans demand several premises from him, much more so after the Democrats voted en bloc against the impeachment of the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, for his responsibility on the southern border.

Later, Democrats also prevented the approval of $17,600 for Israel, but in a separate package and far from the more than $60 billion for Ukraine.

That is to say, the political war in Congress between Republicans and Democrats is at a key level just a few months before the November elections and when Trump remains the favorite in all polls to return to the White House.

(email protected)

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