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Biden’s Ukraine plan on the verge of collapse

Biden's Ukraine plan on the verge of collapse

WASHINGTON — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy arrived Tuesday at a Congress in Washington dominated by a mood very different from last year, when he was received as a hero.

Republicans demand accurate and real actions to stop the chaos on the southern border that has been going on for almost three years, but the left and the extreme left oppose these reforms categorically.

Conservatives in the Senate, who have supported four previous huge packages of money and military aid for Ukraine, put a stop to the White House’s latest request for another $110 billion. Of that figure, more than 60,000 are for Ukraine.

The request now, which also included aid to Israel and Taiwan like blackmail for approval, it rises to 106,000 million dollars. It is estimated that some 60,000 million are directly for Zelensky, which would raise general help to more than 200,000 million dollars since the war broke out

Conservatives demand end to chaos at the border

Conservatives in both Houses of Congress in Washington demand a stop to the waste of American taxpayers’ money and key and drastic actions that reverse the chaotic situation on the southern border of the United States, which has been in a lack of control without precedent in history for almost three years. of the nation because of the open door policy of the Biden-Obama administration.

Zelenskyy arrived in Washington at a time when Joe Biden’s new request for $110 billion is at serious risk of collapsing in Congress.

The White House said the timing was right for Zelenskyy’s visit to Washington as Biden pushes lawmakers to pass the relief package before the holidays.

A spokesman said that the United States cannot allow the fall of Ukraine, especially when the war between Israel and Hamas has diverted attention, and that the president was willing to make concessions to Republicans, but those concessions apparently are not shared by the far-left legislators in Congress.

“These additional funds will help Ukraine regain even more ground and kick out the Russians,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told NBC. But we have been hearing that from the Pentagon since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

The prospects for a deal on Ukraine turned bleak on Capitol Hill on the eve of the arrival of Zelenskyy, who made no comment as he began a closed-door meeting with senators. His next visit was to the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and then Biden in the White House.

Meanwhile, once bipartisan support for Ukraine continues to dissipate.

Biden plan on the verge of collapse

Before going to the White House for a meeting with President Joe Biden, Zelensky will meet with congressional leaders from both Houses.

This is Zelensky’s third visit in a year to the US Congress.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Congress has disbursed more than $110 billion, but last week it opposed giving the green light to the new package supported by President Biden, of about $61 billion.

However, aid in general sense exceeds 150 billion dollars directly and indirectly.

On Tuesday morning, Russia claimed to have made “significant” advances in the Zaporizhia region (southern).

According to the Ukrainian army, Moscow is intensifying attacks along the entire front, taking advantage of the fact that kyiv’s summer offensive has failed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been proud of the progress of his men.

To put pressure on lawmakers and according to alleged intelligence reports cited by the White House, Ukraine has inflicted blows on Russia in fighting on the Avdiivka-Novopavlivka axis, including 13,000 casualties and the destruction of 220 combat vehicles.

According to US intelligence, the Russians believe that if they manage to bring the military situation to a stalemate during the winter, Western support for Ukraine will dry up.

(email protected)

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