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Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Other Billionaires Are Obsessed With Solar Geoengineering: Here’s Why

tycoons like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos y George Soros They are very, very interested in the solar geoengineering. What it is, what it is about and why they are obsessed with it, we will explain in this post.

As a report published on the website of Computer Heysolar geoengineering or SRM (solar radiation modification) refers to a speculative set of technologies designed to cool the Earth.

The problem with these technologies is that affect the environment. For example, the spraying of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere has harmful effects on the planet and human health.

Applying SRM could limit some damaging climate impacts, but aside from potential adverse impacts, it would not go to the root cause of climate change: increasing emissions of heat-trapping gases from burning fossil fuels and ocean acidification.

Suggestions and the obsession of the rich

In February, Soros suggested at the Munich Security Conference illuminate clouds over the Arctic to reflect the Sun’s energy away from the melting polar caps.

For his part, Bill Gates backed a project by Harvard University scientists to test the idea of ​​spraying atmospheric calcium carbonate into the sky over northern Scandinavia in 2021. The project was canceled after some protests.

In the case of Jeff Bezos, put the capabilities of Amazon’s supercomputer to work to model the effects of its plans to expel huge amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the atmosphere during 2022.

Why so much interest from the rich in solar geoengineering? Experts believe that are being advised to tackle climate change and global warming with a plan Binstead of solving the main problem that is emissions.

Time magazine warned that, in addition, geoengineering can generate income with new technologies while avoiding having to reduce emissions.

“There are likely other reasons why, if you are a person with a net worth equivalent to the government budgets of some nations, geoengineering might appeal to you. On the one hand, many of these people made their money in technology, and have absorbed the ethos that neat engineering solutions are the solution to most of life’s ills.”

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