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Binational Players: A Documentary About Hidden Truths

Recurring file with each appearance of a new talent of Algerian origin, the subject of binationals was honored during a documentary, entitled “I chose Algeria” that the Algerian channel of Echorouk TV has accomplished.

The documentary program, “La casa dyal sport” returned to this file which animates the sports news in Algeria. Thus, many participants were invited to discuss this topic.

At the origin of the law of the Bahamas, the former president of the Algerian football federation, Mohamed Raouraoua, gave the history of this law which currently benefits many selections.

“After the African Cup of Nations in 2002, we saw that our team could be strengthened by players playing abroad. At the time, FIFA law did not allow the change of nationality for players who were over 16 years old,” he said.

And here is how the beautiful story of the Algerian selection with Algerian players who play abroad began.

A story whose first episode was with the former Algerian international, Mourad Meghni who declares, “I am the first player to benefit from the law of the Bahamas. For me, it was a dream come true, because I always wanted to wear the colors of Algeria. he explains to the journalists who made the documentary. For this issue of the show, La casa dyal sport, it was time for revelations for several Algerian players.

Between Morocco and Algeria, Mahrez and Bennacer have decided

Chaining the procedures for changing nationality for several players, the Algerian football federation has worked to convince several talents who are the delight of Algerian football today.

Thus, of Algerian-Moroccan origin, the midfielder, Ismail Bennacer, tasted the atmosphere that reigned in the Algerian team before deciding to join the Greens. “It’s the choice of the heart. said the midfielder of Italian club AC Milan. A choice that was the same for the Algerian winger of the Manchester City team, Riyad Mahrez.

The truths about the Fekir case

One of the episodes that marked the record of Algerian players born in France, is that of the player of Olympique Lyonnais at the time, Nabil Fekir. While he had given his word to the Algerian leaders to join the Fennecs, everything changed in the space of 2 hours.

According to Mohamed Raouraoua, former president of the FAF, the player had come under unprecedented pressure from Jean-Michel Aulas, historic president of OL, for his player to renounce his choice to join the Algerian team. Incredibly, this reversal of the situation will mark the history of the binational file forever.

The player’s entourage, the key element in the binational file?

One of the main elements that weigh in the choice of a player is the opinion of those around him. In the documentary of the chain of Echourok, a chapter was devoted to this factor.

Even if several participants agree that the final choice remains for the main interested party, who is the player, the impact of the entourage should not be neglected.

In this sense, Ilyes Chaibi, elder brother of Fares Chaibi (expected to join the Algerian team soon) indicated that “The family weighs in this choice. She likes us to choose the best decision for our future,” he says.

Ghoulam’s brothers didn’t want him to play for Algeria?

One of the anecdotes that we can discover in this documentary is that of the choice of the left side, Faouzi Ghoulam.

Indeed, Mohamed Raouraoua says, “Ghoualm’s father lived in Annaba. His dream was for his son to defend the colors of Algeria. But his two brothers had another idea for him. I went to meet them in person in Saint-Étienne. Once in his brother’s office, Faouzi is buried. It was an emotional moment, as the player saw his father in tears. The documents were signed immediately. he said.

Between Algeria and the other selections: the Feghouli case

In this case full of complexity, even if the player expresses his desire to join a national team, the case is not won. This is illustrated by the case of Sofiane Feghouli. The African champion in 2019 was determined, from day one, to wear the colors of the Algerian selection.

However, his manager had other idea for him regarding his international career. The former president of the FAF, Mohamed Raouraoua, indicated that the Feghouli case “was a marathon” for the services of the Algerian federation.

Finally, the documentary concludes with the observation that even if the players take time to choose the selection they want to represent, this expectation should not compromise their relations with the various national factors once in the Algerian team.

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