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Biology Challenge 2022/23 – national champion chosen

On six afternoons, schoolchildren from various secondary schools in Vorarlberg who were particularly interested in biology received in-depth content on various biological topics.

The organizers, eight teachers, paid particular attention to the teaching of practical content in addition to intensive theoretical basics. On May 12, 2023, the time had come. Hostess Dir. Mag. Maria Strolz welcomed the 30 finalists who took up the challenge of the state championship.

After numerous online tests and oral exams, the winners were determined: Johanna Fend from BG Rebberggasse Feldkirch took first place, followed by Anna-Sophia Köllemann (BG Blumenstraße) in 2nd place and Sarah Fenzl (PG Riedenburg) and Ana with equal points -Lucia Natter (BG Blumenstraße) in third place. Charlotte Bickel (PG Riedenburg) completes the quintet, which will compete in Graz on May 25th with the winners from the other federal states.

The organizers, Dir. Maria Strolz and Dir. Markus Germann (BG Dornbirn) congratulated all participants on their commitment and willingness to go to school in their free time. At the final buffet, which was served by students from the HLW Riedenburg, everyone present was happy about the prizes provided by Inatura, the Talent Initiative and Ländlebuch.

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