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Birth center: Childbirth in the birth center in Essen – parents need to know that

Only midwives accompany the delivery at the birth center in Essen. When should parents-to-be find out?

The team at the birth center in Essen has set itself the goal of facilitating childbirth in a secure, familiar and intimate atmosphere. Since it was founded in 1998, more than 1000 children have been born in the birth center.

The births are attended exclusively by midwives; there is no medical team in the birth center. The midwives assume that giving birth requires intuition and self-confidence above all. After the birth, the parents and baby usually stay for a few hours before they are released to go home.

Courses and information evenings in the Essen Birthplace

It is also possible to have care only as a precautionary measure and during childbirth. Interested women should make an inquiry at the beginning of their pregnancy – using a form on the website of the birthing center at Most services are financed by the health insurance companies, only the on-call service fee for the birth of 700 euros is a personal contribution. But it is also usually subsidized by the health insurance companies.

On the first Thursday of every month there is an information evening in the birth center for which interested parties can register in advance. The house also has course rooms in which birth preparation courses, pregnancy exercises, postnatal courses, baby massage and other offers take place. On July 2, 2023, a big party is to be celebrated to mark the 25th anniversary of the birthplace in Essen. Information will follow on the homepage and the Facebook page.

More articles from this category can be found here: Essen

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