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Birth during the consultation: baby is born in the social welfare office in Berlin-Neukölln

A child was born in the social welfare office in Berlin-Neukölln on Tuesday. The boy’s mother had visited the information desk area of ​​the authority in the morning when she was very pregnant. There she asked for advice and at the same time complained of nausea. The employee responsible then took the woman to one of the counseling rooms, where her water broke shortly after ten o’clock.

This news spread quickly within the counseling center. As Falko Liecke, city councilor for social affairs in Berlin-Neukölln, reports, another woman present at the social welfare office called out that a child was being born there. Employee Stephanie Leister was in consultation with Muna Alukla at the time. Coincidentally, the latter spoke the same language as the woman giving birth, who was of Arabic origin and could not speak German. Together with Leister, the mother of seven Alukla took care of the woman during the birth.

The two women who helped with the birth: Stephanie leiste (right) and Muna Alukla.
© private

Meanwhile, the advice center informed the fire brigade. According to Lieke, there was also constant communication with an emergency doctor. When he arrived, the boy’s head was already visible. The doctors took care of the rest of the delivery. According to the CDU politician, the organization was very provisional. In the short period of time they could only get a soft pad for the mother’s head.

Despite the difficult circumstances, the mother and the baby, who is the woman’s third child, are doing well and have already been referred to the Urban Hospital in Berlin-Kreuzberg. They were accompanied by the woman’s niece, who according to Lieke also cut the umbilical cord.

The social welfare office also informed the youth welfare office, which takes care of the woman’s other two children. The service of the social housing assistance was continued after the birth. Lieke reports an extremely positive and cheerful mood. The two helpers were also honored with applause.

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