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Bishop condemns the arrest of prosecutor Uriel Carmona at mass: “the Constitution has been trampled”

Bishop condemns the arrest of prosecutor Uriel Carmona at mass: "the Constitution has been trampled"

CUERNAVACA, Mor. ( the judicial procedure is “illegal”, in addition to the fact that the jurisdiction of the official was not respected.

During the Sunday mass, the prelate said that he does not want to add fuel to the fire or fall into speculation, but that it seems fair and necessary to fight for truth and justice, so that there is true peace. For this reason, he said he was objective and pointed out that “it can be said that a violation of the law has been committed.”

After greeting the family of Carmona Gándara, present at the mass, offering to pray for them to have strength in “these difficult times”, the also executive secretary of the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate maintained that the prosecutor has jurisdiction “and it was completely a stranger”. Then he went further, “no other prosecutor’s office outside a state, according to the Constitution, is competent to prosecute an alleged crime or to subject a public servant from a different federal entity to criminal proceedings. Also, tying is illegal.”

He called on his parishioners that if they want to know the truth, these remarks made from the pulpit should be taken into consideration. To conclude his words, the bishop asked himself “where was the rule of law? And then he stated that “the Constitution has been trampled on. That is evidence.” Finally, he assured that the most unfortunate thing is that “there are very serious cases full of corruption where action should be taken and action is not taken, that suggests many interpretations.”

The bishop is not close to the prosecutor. In fact, Uriel Carmona is associated as a person close to Graco Ramírez, and Ramón Castro was one of the main critics of the management of the Tabasqueño in Morelos. In fact, the former governor denounced the prelate at the Ministry of the Interior on more than one occasion, assuring that he was participating in politics.

The bishop walked in 2016 from Cuernavaca to the Governor’s Office, although that march did not conclude, hand in hand with the then rector of the UAEM, Alejandro Vera, and the then mayor of Cuernavaca, Cuauhtémoc Blanco, to demand that Graco Ramírez be dismissed due to insecurity problems and corruption that had been denounced by then.

And yet, this Sunday, “regardless of who is in charge,” said the bishop, he took advantage of the homily to come out in defense of Uriel Carmona and to criticize the use of institutions in some cases and not in others.

(from minute 42:20)

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