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Bjørn Eidsvåg rejoices over the Hver gång vi mødøs record: – This is just awesome!

This year’s season premiere of Every time we meet – where Bjørn Eidsvåg was praised – has now passed one million viewers. This is the first time that an Everytime we meet episode reaches the million mark.

Bjørn Eidsvåg is proud that it is “his” program that sets the record.

– It’s beyond all expectations, and once again I don’t understand why I haven’t been involved in this before. This is just gorgeous! says Eidsvåg.

TV 2: – Absolutely fantastic

This year’s season – with the artists Kristian Kristensen, Ingebjørg Bratland, Emma Steinbakken, Bjørn Eidsvåg, Karoline Krüger, Isah and Freddy Kalas – is now set to be the most watched ever.

– This is absolutely fantastic, and shows how well this year’s season has hit the viewers, says Kathrine Haldorsen, program editor at TV 2.

– The mix of artists has really touched the hearts of the audience, and when two of the songs top the charts in Norway, and that six songs are in the top 20, we have every reason to be extremely proud. All credit to everyone involved in this production.

Steady rise

The viewing figures for the premiere episode have almost doubled since it was shown on 1 January this year. 542,000 watched the program in the first 24 hours, and after almost two weeks, one million have seen the Bjørn Eidsvåg tribute.

The week after the Eidsvåg programme, the tribute to Freddy Kalas was broadcast. This has been seen by 900,000 in less than a week.

Not only have those who watch the program linearly increased since last year – the number who watch the program via TV 2 Play has almost doubled since the 2022 season.

“The River” success

On top of this, Emma Steinbakken’s version of the Bjørn Eidsvåg song “Floden” has passed 4.6 million streams and now tops the Spotify list in Norway.

At the same time, Isah and Maria Mena’s version of the Eidsvåg song “Alt du vil ha” is the A-list on both P1 and P3. The song is now number two on the Spotify list and is approaching two million streams.

Every time we meet, you watch TV 2 Direkte Saturdays at 20:00, or whenever you want TV 2 Play.

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