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Blackout precaution: This is how Vorarlbergers are prepared

What do Vorarlbergers have at home in case of a blackout?
©VOL.AT/Mayer, Canva Pro

While some Vorarlbergers take a possible blackout very seriously, others have not made any preparations for an emergency.

Flashlight, batteries, candles and non-perishable food. There are things to have at home in case of a blackout. Such a major power outage would also be possible in Vorarlberg.

What happens during a blackout in Vorarlberg?

Country informed with brochure

The country has taken precautions. All households in the country will receive a blackout brochure in the mail this week. This provides information on what to do in the event of a nationwide power failure.

The country’s brochure provides information on how to behave in an emergency.

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Don’t be afraid of a blackout

Some Vorarlbergers are not prepared for a blackout, others already have a few things at home. Others are planning what to buy. This is also shown by a survey by VOL.AT in Dornbirn. One thing was noticeable: the Vorarlbergers are not afraid of a blackout.

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