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Blackouts leave 700,000 Cubans without drinking water

Blackouts leave 700,000 Cubans without drinking water

HAVANA.- The regime of Cuba admitted that currently, approximately 700,000 people do not receive the service of agua daily due to the constant and long cuts of electricity at pumping stations.

The president of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH), Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez, recognized the crisis in which Cubans find themselves during a meeting with official media of the Cuban regime, reports the web portal CubaNet.

The hydraulic sector on the island is the second service that consumes the most electrical energy, which is why it is mostly affected by the blackouts that are increasing, making access to drinking water difficult for citizens.

Cuba is experiencing a very complex situation with the distribution of drinking water due to the current energy crisis.

According to the statements of Rodríguez Rodríguez, of the generator sets in the supply plants, recently there was only coverage for 36% of the supply sources in the territories. Fact that exacerbates the precariousness in which we live.

In addition to the scenario, the companies in charge of maintenance and repair of the generating sets have a shortage of spare parts, so the replacement of equipment is non-existent.

The official also commented that to bring water to vital centers, tanker trucks must be used to supply the population, which lengthens the cycles in those communities that do not receive the liquid from the drivers.

According to official figures, despite the fact that the official propaganda of the Cuban regime strives to highlight government programs not dedicated to tourism, its true focus of investments, 90% of more than 7,100 opinions collected consider state services to be disastrous. water.

Source: REDACCIÓN/CubaNet

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