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Blizzard and the NetEase divorce: the Chinese business has 43 million laughs

In the course of the last month I have spoken about the rip of the break between Activision Blizzard and NetEase, the huge cinema of the video gaming industry that has not received a very good divorce with the publisher. To this end, a rich laughing stock of a certain importance has recently arrived.

Standing by the latest report, it seems that NetEase has disputed any kind of agreement with Activision Blizzard confirmed and the publisher’s game continues to function in Chinese territory, chiedendo in aggiunta a laugh for a 43.5 million dollars. The figure chiesta sarebbe dovuta sia allo spegnimento dei server risalente allo scorso gennaio 2023 che ai rimborsi che NetEase has dovuto elargire ai numerosi utenti che haveno fatto richiesta.

Second doorway Chinese Sina Technologythat this is what has diffused and detailed its laughter, more than a million of movie videogames have received a refund right away from the servers of World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch 2 and other products.

From the moment that there is a wealthy party from Blizzard for the maintenance of the server’s functionality that is not positively accepted by the Chinese business, it is likely that I will not see some laughter. In any case, the situation is constantly divine and I will attend to understand how it will end with the two parties involved.

In the meantime, I saw that mercoledì potrebbe arrivew il verdetto finale della CMA sull’affare Microsoft x Activision.

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