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Blows, booties and scandal: this was the attack on a referee from the La Plata Amateur League

A new episode of violence in the La Plata Amateur League became the center of attention after a referee suspended a match after receiving a kick after sanctioning an infraction for the visiting team. Based on this aggression, a criminal case was initiated for “minor injuries”.

The incidents were recorded in a sports venue located on Calle 156 y 46 where Saint Charles received to July 9th. The game was won by the visitor 1-0 and there were ten minutes left to finish the game. In this context, the arbitrator Roman Herrera (33) penalized an offense near the home area for the visiting team.

After blowing the whistle, a local team player began to protest and was sanctioned with a yellow card. The reprimand did nothing but enrage the athlete, who continued with his claim. This generated the second sanction and red card, causing the formation of a mob of footballers who, enraged by the referee’s decision, gathered around Herrera.

According to the complaint, in the tumult the expelled player hit the referee and caused him a minor injury, but then another footballer from the home team hit the match official with the boot caps. The match was immediately suspended and the corresponding legal actions were initiated.

The cause for “Minor injuries aggravated by being a sporting event” processed in the Functional Instruction Unit (UFI) 17 of La Plata in charge of the prosecutor Eugenia DiLorenzo with knowledge of the Court of Guarantees 4 of La Plata whose owner is the judge Juan Pablo Masi.

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