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Bodeguero paid for his children’s studies and built his house thanks to his business

At 63 years old, Lino Salinas Ramirez He is satisfied and grateful with his business because thanks to it he has been able to build his house and support his family. It all started 20 years ago when he lost his job, the company closed and with the liquidation he bought a piece of land in eat. There he saw the need to look for a money income and when he could not find a job it occurred to him to open a warehouse.

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“I remember that we started with a small display case and a few sweets and sodas. We sold little because since we didn’t have a lot of capital we couldn’t bring more products. With a lot of effort and perseverance we grew little by little. It hasn’t been easy, but we’ve done it. This business helped me pay for my children’s studies and build my house”recounted this mighty merchant from Ancash.

In his cellar the ‘King of the Market’ sells everything from groceries and sweets to vegetables, fruits and warm bread. “We try to have everything so that the client finds what he needs and leaves happy. We also train ourselves to provide better service and display the products. We recently attended a workshop promoted by PepsiCo and the Winemakers Associationhe added.

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A secret of his success lies in the offers and promotions that he constantly launches in his store, as well as the baskets that he raffles off on special dates (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas). These are ways to build customer loyalty and become better known in the area.

Don Lino is at the forefront of technology and his winery is present on social networks. He opened his account on TikTok () to make videos and show their promotions. Little by little he is gaining followers on the popular social network. In addition, it offers several payment systems (Yape, Plin, POS) and delivery service.


Updating with payment methods (Yape, Plin and a POS) is one of the best strategies to increase profitability and preference in the business.

@reymarket1 ♬ Opening Doors – Gloria Estefan


♦THE DEAL. This must include verbal language (what we say and how we say it) and body language (body gestures that indicate willingness to attend).

♦THE RESPONSE TIME. Customers value the speed of service, but this must be with warmth and enthusiasm.

♦THE IMAGE OF THE PERSON SERVING. This includes personal hygiene and the use of clean, business-appropriate clothing. For example, they can use an apron.

In his bodega the ‘King of the Market’ sells everything from groceries and sweets to vegetables, fruits and warm bread. Photos: Lenin Tadeo / Trome.


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