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Body found in Mexican ranch belongs to Bionce Amaya, authorities confirm

Monterrey (Mexico) April 15. Mexican authorities confirmed that the body found in a search at a ranch in General Bravo, Nuevo León, in northern Mexico, corresponds to the young resident of Mission, Texas, Bionce Jazmín Amaya Cortez, who disappeared in this entity.

They also reported that arrest warrants related to this event have already been issued.

The young woman disappeared on April 9 after moving to China, Nuevo León, to spend the Easter holidays.

Derived from his search, three properties were searched and in one of them the body of a female person was located, which has already been verified that it does belong to that of the 20-year-old girl.

“The identification of said body was achieved, since both by its clothing and its physical characteristics it was recognized by a half-brother of the victim as the person who in life would bear the name of Bionce Jazmín Amaya Cortez, 20 years old,” established the Nuevo León Attorney General’s Office (FGJNL).

In addition, it revealed that the autopsy established that the young woman died of a deep contusion of the skull, vertebral, medullary, cervical and thorax.

“In the same way, it is reported that as a result of the inquiries carried out within the investigation folder that integrates the Public Ministry, until now arrest warrants have been obtained against people allegedly related to the events,” reported the FGJNL. .

It added that permanent contact has been maintained with the victim’s family to provide comprehensive care and advice to expedite the claim and transfer of the body to its place of origin.

The case of Amaya falls among other similar ones, such as the one that occurred on February 25 in the same municipality of China, in northern Mexico, where three women, also Mexican and residing in Texas: Marina and Maritza Trinida Pérez Ríos and Dora Alicia Cervantes Saenz disappeared, without any reports of them to date.

A year ago, the disappearance of the young Debanhi Escobar and the discovery of her body weeks later also directed the spotlight to the northern state of Nuevo León and raised doubts about the actions of the State Prosecutor’s Office, since it had indicated that her death was a accident, to later back off and acknowledge that it was a femicide.

According to groups, in Nuevo León there is a figure of 6,000 disappeared people, of which some 1,800 are women. EFE


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