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Body shape and cancer: can the risk be determined? study astounds

  • Body Shape and Cancer: Study examines possible connection
  • Research team filters four different ones body types out
  • Which one figure type causes which types of cancer?
  • Team draws hope for better ones prevention

Greasy, unhealthy eating and obesity can increase the risk of developing Cancer to get sick. Researchers have found this out for a long time. But that too body shape – i.e. tall, small, broad hips or narrow waist – can be decisive for a diagnosis, was the result of a Europe-wide evaluation. The team took four different ones figure types more closely under the magnifying glass.

How are body shape and cancer risk related? Six important factors

For the researchers, six components played an important role in the study: height, Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), waist size and hip circumference as well as that waist to hip ratio. In total, over a period of 15 years, the values ​​of 340,152 participants aged between 35 and 65 and from nine different European countries were included. The Cancer Division of the World Health Organization (WHO) was also involved in the investigation, which is part of the “European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition” (EPIC).

The team, in turn, guided from the values ​​of the participants four body shapes and compared in what context these with 17 types of cancer stand.

Body type 1: general overweight

Participants whose weight was evenly distributed throughout their body had an increased risk of developing cancer in the following areas: uterus, esophagus, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, colon, pancreas, breast, bone marrow and rectum.

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Body Type 2: tall and straight

According to the research team, tall participants with a rather straight physique, i.e. a small discrepancy between waist and hip circumference, have an increased risk of cancer in the areas of the thyroid gland, the brain, the central nervous system and the breast. The risk of malignant melanomas, for example moles that become inflamed, also increases here.

Body Type 3: Large and full midsection

Tall people, in whom obesity settles, especially in the form of abdominal fat, have an increased risk of esophageal cancer and malignant melanoma. But also the larynx, esophagus, stomach, mouth and pharynx and the lungs are risk areas – especially in smokers.

Body type 4: high BMI with narrow hips and waist

Anyone who has an increased BMI overall but is rather straight in the middle of the body has a lower risk of cancer overall than other body shapes. However, thyroid disease can increase.

Overall, the team was able to identify clear connections between body shape and the occurrence of different types of cancer. The researchers hope to gain new insights from this in order to improve cancer prevention. The complete study with all results was published in the British Journal of Cancer released.

Are you interested in the topics of “cancer diseases”, “prevention” and “treatment options”? You can find more information here:

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