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Bolsonarista camp dismantled after Supreme Court order

Brazilian police forces and the Army today began to dismantle the camp set up by supporters of the former president Jair Bolsonaro in front of the Army headquarters, in compliance with an order issued by the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court of Brazil (STF) Alexandre de Moraes.

Images reproduced by the G1 news portal showed people carrying tents and bags, several of them with yellow T-shirts and inscriptions in support of the far-right ex-president, as they left the place, after De Moraes gave a period of 24 hours to comply with the order.

Shortly after 9 in the local morning, the campers began to be removed from the site, some 1,200 people in total in about 40 buses, which were sent to the Federal Police Superintendence in the Federal District.

The group of radicals had been camping in the place since the second round of the elections.

Bolsonaro member George Washington de Oliveira Sousa, 54, who planted an explosive near the Brasilia airport on Christmas Eve, said in a statement that the plan was set up on the spot and included the participation of other campers.

The STF minister also prohibited, and until the end of January, the entry of trucks or buses with protesters in the Federal District of Brazil and freed all roads, state and federal public buildings throughout the country.

This Sunday, thousands of Bolsonaro supporters who refuse to accept the defeat of their leader in the last presidential elections invaded the headquarters of the National Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court, demanding a military intervention to overthrow the elected government that took office on 1 from January.

The assailants violated the security barricades, broke doors and windows, and occupied part of the building and the roofs of the Planalto Palace, seat of executive power.

Last night the police managed to regain control of the buildings. At least 400 people were arrested, according to the Civil Police of the Federal District.

According to the decision of Judge de Moraes, the operation must be carried out by the Military Police of the States and the Federal District, with the support of the National Force and the Federal Police if necessary.

The decision must be executed and endorsed by both the governor and the military commander of the Headquarters.

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