
Bomb threat at school in San Luis Potosí mobilized dozens of elements; turned out to be a false alarm

Bomb threat at SLP school (Special)
Bomb threat at SLP school (Special)

The bomb alert reported in the College of Bachelors (COBACH) Number 6 of the Municipality of Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi, turned out to be a false alarm that mobilized multiple emergency elements on the afternoon of January 25.

It was a student who made the first alert after finding an artifact that looked like a explosive devicesince it had cables, batteries and electrical tape, as well as a piece of paper with a warning:

“If the meter gets to whistle will explode with a range of 20 metersif the bomb moves I will explode it remotely, if the cables are disconnected I will explode it immediately”.

Bomb alert at SLP school (Special)

After the campus located in the Emiliano Zapata neighborhood called emergencies, Civil Protection and Municipal Police units were mobilized, an evacuation protocol was activated.

Total, 640 students of the evening shift and 33 teachers they had to quickly leave the premises. Subsequently, the uniformed officers delimited the area and after the army arrived with anti-bomb equipment, they thoroughly inspected the campus to locate the supposed bomb.

When the authorities secured the device, they confirmed that it was an object that had no explosive effectso they concluded that it was a false alarm and ruled out the danger.

The College of Bachelors where the events occurred issued a statement that they would assist in the research of the authorities so that the fact is clarified and those responsible are punished.

Bomb alert at UNAM (Photo: Fes Cuautitlán)

“We make available to the specialized authorities all the necessary evidence to clarify this unfortunate situation and prevent it from happening again. Likewise, it will be the School Council of Campus 06, together with the Parents’ Association, who determine the actions and measures to be taken into account ”, he declared.

For its part, the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection of the State (SSPCE) condemned the events recorded at the upper secondary school, after the discovery of the suspicious artifact, and requested that an exhaustive investigation be carried out so that responsibilities could be determined.

During the work of the officers that lasted approximately four hours, dozens of elements, vehicles and infrastructure were deployed that also represent economic losses.

The authorities of the UNAM Campus ruled out that it was an explosive object, so normal activities will resume (Twitter/@benigbe_sacedo)

In October of last year, a bomb threat caused concern at the facilities of the Faculty of Higher Studies (FES) Cuautitlán of the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

Due to the alert, students and teachers were evacuated so that the authorities could carefully review all the facilities. It was after inspection that it was ruled out. the presence of an explosive device. Subsequently, the university authorities made the statement and resumed academic work.

Added to this, another report of a bomb was made that same day, but hours before, in the Morelense Center of the Arts (CMA) had to leave the academic compound because there was allegedly an explosive device.

A month earlier, alerts for explosive devices were also registered at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS) and at the Faculty of Accounting and Administration (FCA) in Ciudad Universitaria (CU). The difference between each one was approximately one week and both cases were false alarms and any type of risk was ruled out and academic activities were promptly resumed.


Three bomb threats in different parts of Morelos alerted the authorities
New bomb threat halted activities at the UNAM campus
UAEM students were evacuated due to a bomb threat; it’s the second in the week
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