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Bones, fossils or rocks? Images of Mars rover are puzzling

The Curiosity rover has already made some interesting discoveries on Mars. A rock transformation is now a mystery.

The more advanced our technology is, the more interesting are the images that reach us from the unfathomable space. Distant galaxies suddenly appear very close, the planets of our native solar system like immediate neighbors.

The Mars rover Curiosity keeps discovering interesting things on the red planet that stimulate people’s imaginations. Last year, for example, there was a discussion about whether a square rock might not be the entrance gate to a hidden alien base.

The “Alien Gate” on Mars. (Quelle: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)

Now the rover has made another recording that is causing all kinds of speculation on the internet. The image shows the red rock characteristic of Mars, from which rises an elongated formation.

What’s special about it: At the top of the rocks is what looks like sticks sticking out of the rock at regular intervals.

In the social media, the users overturn themselves with possible explanations for the strange formation. Are they (dragon) bones? fossils? herringbone?

Even seasoned scientists sometimes react with astonishment. Nathalie A. Cabrol, a French-American astrobiologist and planetologist, wrote on Twitter: “In my 20 years of studying Mars, this is the most bizarre rock I have ever seen.”

The comments from users are collected under the scientist’s post. But Cabrol quickly clears up the speculation. According to the researcher, the strange formations are the result of years of erosion. “Nevertheless a great effect,” writes Cabrol in the comments.

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