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Book of the day: content marketing, the art of creating – Merca2.0 Magazine |

With the advent of social networks, brands have found in them a good tool to show their products and services. The content marketing book, the art of creating the public for your product or service, is a good option for all those who are starting a business.

This book by the author, Neil Revilla, has a lot of content that will help you develop two skills, how to generate the audience for each of your products or services, and the second skill is to persuade these audiences to buy and repeat.

According to the book, both skills are based on the utility and value that you are able to generate for your audience.

Likewise, this work highlights that the most efficient sales process is one in which we are proactive in creating our audiences.

In this work, readers will also be able to find an approach to ensure that we do not depend on visits to our website or Google positioning, much less that one day they call us because they have seen some advertising for our business.

As well as with this book you will learn step by step to generate candidates, mature them and convert them into final clients. The best thing about using a content strategy is that you can automate part or all of the sales process.

Finally, the book also includes a chapter that explains in detail how to use a blog to attract and generate new customers for any product or service.

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