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BORG Egg introduces itself

Information afternoon with a diverse supporting program on January 20th.

Egg. The BORG Egg will open its doors again on Friday, January 20th at 2 p.m. to present the school’s educational offerings to those who are interested. Pupils from secondary schools and the lower grades of grammar schools and their parents are particularly invited to the information afternoon. The Egger Gymnasium offers a wide range of training with the three main areas of art education (BE), music education (ME) and nature and technology (NT) to choose from.

A diverse program provides an insight into school operations and general education. From 2 p.m., the students will guide the guests through the house and to the individual stations. At 2:15 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., director Ariel Lang and educational advisor Daniel Amann will provide information in the music hall about the school career and the wide range of career opportunities with a high school diploma at a general secondary school. Musical performances give an impression of the possibilities offered by the music branch, while works that were created by students of the art branch are presented in the drawing and workshop room. “borg nt”, the branch with a focus on new technologies, presents projects in the biological and chemical fields as well as interesting experiments on the computer and also invites you to experiment yourself.

A performance in the gym offers lively entertainment. In various classes, the school game, which this year will again go on a Bregenzerwald tour in the week before the Easter holidays, but also the subject of physical education and the languages ​​English, French, Latin, Spanish and Italian, which can be learned on the BORG Egg, will be exhibited in various classes , presented. Insight will also be offered into the trips abroad that the seventh graders can choose from. The BORG Café takes care of your physical well-being. Interested parties can use an information brochure to gain a deeper insight into the school’s educational offerings. ME

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