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Boric affirms that the murder of police officers has terrorist connotations

Boric affirms that the murder of police officers has terrorist connotations

SANTIAGO.- The president of Chile, Gabriel Boricstated this Thursday that the murder of three members of Carabineros south of Chile whose bodies were found burned inside a vehicle has “terrorist connotations” and invited that the condemnation of the event “must be total.”

In an interview with a Chilean radio station, Boric expressed that “an attack of these characteristics has terrorist connotations. Then we can discuss why the law or not the law, that is a legal discussion and regarding the legal technique of what is best to obtain a conviction,” he said in reference to the legal procedures that must be followed to handle the crime, which left people shocked. throughout the country, reported

Next, Boric assured: “I do not dislike the word. In the face of an attack of this nature, the condemnation has to be total and there should be no nuances in that.”

On Saturday, April 27, Chilean authorities reported that the bodies of three militarized police officers were found burned inside a vehicle in an area of ​​southern Chile.

“An extremely serious attack has occurred,” said the Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, after confirming the discovery of the bodies of two corporals and a sergeant of Carabineros early Saturday morning. He added that a fire crew that had been warned of a vehicle on fire located the bodies inside the car.

The incident occurred in the Cañete area – where groups linked to the Mapuche cause have traditionally operated – in the Biobío region, more than 400 kilometers south of Santiago, according to authorities. Until now, the circumstances of the crime have not been clarified. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

“With pain, we regret to inform the community and our family about the horrible murder of three of our carabineros“, Carabineros reported through the social network X. According to the message, the three men were carrying out preventive patrol tasks in Cañete when they were murdered.

That same Saturday, Boric moved to Cañete with several of his ministers. “There are no fissures here, we are a single force of the State of Chile, of Chilean society against these criminals, against these terrorists,” he said that day. The president decreed three days of mourning for the death of the police officers.

The incident caused shock in a country experiencing a serious security crisis.

He triple homicidewith characteristics unprecedented until then, mourned Chile and its clarification has become the priority of both the Government and Congress, which has paralyzed its routine agenda this week to exclusively debate two public security projects.

Chilean police – AFP

Members of the Chilean police work at the place where three police officers were murdered, in a Mapuche area in Cañete, Biobío region, Chile, on April 27, 2024.


Although the authorities have not revealed details of the investigation, Minister Tohá assured that “there are clues and lines of investigation” into the triple homicide.

Boric, for his part, added in the radio interview that “it is a whole town that is with the family and with the institution of Carabineros, because when there is an attack of these characteristics, even beyond the specific characteristics, an attack is not being carried out.” “Not only against one person but against the entire country.”

He added that the investigation was declared secret and also assured that “there are investigative lines, here we are not acting blindly. There are certain pieces of thread to pull from. It is not that the investigators, Carabineros, the prosecutor’s office do not know where to stop, but that “There are different lines of investigation.”

And he concluded: “We are working with the best resources of the Chilean State and have also requested support from other institutions in case this were necessary.”

The bodies of Sergeant Carlos Cisterna and Corporals Sergio Arévalo and Misael Vidal were laid to rest and buried on Tuesday, April 30, in different locations in the Bíobío region.

The attack occurred in the so-called southern macrozone of Chile, a region in a state of emergency since 2022 and marked by conflicts between organized crime, landowners, the Mapuches and the police.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from / AP

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